Saturday, December 29, 2012

Turtle Scar

I have an unhealthy obsession with turtles. I am willing to admit that. It's funny really because I have this scar on my nose. You can barely see it even if you are looking for it, but it is there. It's just a faint scar. You can see it better when I have freckles, but I don't go outside enough for there to be lots of freckles anymore. This scar though, I have a distinct memory of how I got it. My parents have told me that this memory is completely false and never happened, but it is the memory I have so that's what I'm stuck with.
This memory starts with my family visiting my aunt and uncle in Chicago at their home. They supposedly once owned turtles, they may have they may not have. They might even still have these supposed turtles if they do exist, I don't even know. Anyway in this memory I somehow got bit by this turtle. I don't remember how it happened. Sometimes I remember being at the top of the steps with the turtle and other times I just can't explain it. But I swear a turtle bit my nose. Don't you think that's a great thing to have happen to you?
What stuck about this memory though is that my parents kept telling me to stop picking at the cut on my nose. We had to put bandages on it a lot. Like the little round ones that are supposed to blend in with your skin so no one notices them. In case you didn't know already, if you have a bandage on your nose it will be noticed no matter how well it fits in with your skin color! I never stopped picking it though, I mean obviously I did eventually, but not soon enough. I now have a scar.
So I'm sure that this memory that I have is just a story that was made to make my scar cool. I thinks it is cool and funny that my first memory of an encounter with turtles is being bitten by one. AND I'M OBSESSED WITH TURTLES STILL.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Doctor Who

Doctor Who's Christmas Episode is coming up soon :D Excited yet? ^.^ Ready to be scared of Snowmen? :D

Christmas Eve

So for Christmas Eve I went to my grandma's house to have Christmas there. I was surprised that we got to go so early this year, normally we have to wait until after Christmas to go visit her. Anyway so we had a blast. See she has this puppy there that we got to play with and it was great. So then after that we got to open presents. We got to open presents before we ate because we had to wait for the pie to get done with cooking and stuff.
For Christmas this year I gave my grandma this whistle thing from when I was in Guatemala. She seemed to like it. ^.^
Then I got a lottery scratch card! :D I didn't win anything sadly, but it wasn't like I could win anything since I'm not old enough. My parents would be the winners if anything, not I. I also got a new camera and a camera starter kit thing. The SD card that came with it didn't work so I didn't know if the camera actually worked until I got home. Faulty SD cards are no fun. Anyway, so I got a body pillow too, which I have been wanting for college so I'm thrilled about that. ^.^
After we opened presents we ate lunch. We had this great roast with potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, fruit salad, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I have a great memory..... While we were eating my aunt showed up with her hubby and they hung out with us for awhile. They didn't open their presents from my family, since they are going back to my grandma's house tomorrow, but we got to open presents from them. My aunt loves shopping for girls and she doesn't have any, so we get pretty spoiled by her ;P
She got me two shirts, which are cute, a cute dress that I've been told I'm wearing to church tomorrow, and some classy looking skinny jeans. And by classy, I mean they are black and purple and look like that finger nail polish that is crackle stuff ya know? They are pretty great looking :}
Then my siblings and I played Stupid, the card game, it was hilarious. My brother was cheating the whole time, and I was on his team. We managed to lose by at least 40 points. My dad told us in the middle of the game that we had to talk in anything but English, well my older sister and I started talking in Spanish while my brother spoke spanglish in a funny accent. It was hilarious, just great.
After our game we hung out in the living room for awhile and then went home.
Now we are having a Veggie Tales marathon ;P Great stuff that.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Favorite Pickup Lines

Not that anyone ever uses pickup lines on me, but I suddenly had the urge to look up the best and funniest pickup lines today, so here are my favorite of them....and yes there are a lot because hey Pickup lines make me happy cause they are ridiculous.

  1. Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You’ve got fine written all over you.
  2. Baby, somebody better call God, cause he's missing an angel!
  3. Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call fine print.
  4. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? 
  5. Can I get your picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist?
  6. Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
  7. Baby, you must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet.
  8. Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
  9. Hi, the  voices in my head told me to come over and talk to me.
  10. Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.
  11. Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.
  12. Life without you would be like a broken pencil....pointless.
  13. You're like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life.
  14. The word of the day is legs. Let's go back to my place and spread the word.
  15. Do you have a band aid? I hurt my knee when I fell for you.
  16. If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.
  17. Are you lost ma'am? Because heaven is a long way from here.
  18. If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.
  19. I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away.
  20. If you were a burger at McDonald's you'd be the McGorgeous. 
  21. Hi, did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?
  22. Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?
  23. Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?
  24. I may not be a genie but I can make your dreams come true.
  25. Baby you're like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
  26. Are you an alien? because you just abducted my heart.
  27. If beauty were time, you'd be an eternity.
  28. I know I don't have a chance, but I just wanted to hear an angel talk.
  29. Roses are red, violets are blue, how would you like it if I came home with you?
  30. If looks could kill, you would be a weapon of mass destruction.
  31. I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into the wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
  32. You must be the reason for global warming because you're hot.
  33. If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable.
  34. I'm not a weather man, but you can expect more than a few inches tonight.
  35. Your face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it my nuts tighten up.
  36. Will you be my love buffet so I can lay you out on a table and take anything I want? 
  37. You're so sweet you're giving me a toothache.
  38. Your daddy must of been a drug dealer 'cause you're dope.
  39. Is your dad a terrorist? Because you're the bomb!
  40. You're like a Pringles. Once I pop you, I can't stop you!

Keep Calm And Carry On

So you may be wondering where this is from.....
At least I know that I was wondering where it was from. I figured it out though :D All of it has been worked out ;P So this is what the sign is about....

The Keep Calm and Carry On poster was commissioned in 1939 by the temporary Ministry of Information in England[1], following the printing of two other inspirational posters stating “Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might” and “Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory.” It was intended to be used to strengthen morale in the event of a large-scale attack or occupation, which many considered inevitable at the time. Though more than million of these posters were originally commissioned[2], after the war ended they were kept in storage where most were destroyed.

In 2000, Stuart Manley and his wife Mary found the poster folded at the bottom of a box of old books they purchased at an auction for their Alnwick, England bookshop, Barter Books.[3] Not knowing its origins, the couple had it framed and hung it in the shop, where they began selling prints of it the following year. According to Mary, they had sold over 40,000 copies by March 2009.[3] As of 2012, Barter is not the only place that houses original copies of the poster. The Imperial War Museum in England has approximately six and fifteen additional copies were found in February 2012, where they were appraised on the television show Antiques Roadshow.


So you know the television show with this guy in it?
And this guy?
Well in case you don't, it's called Merlin....
I have gotten my parents addicted to Merlin. All they did is watch it now! I watched the first season and they watched a couple episodes with me before I became disinterested. I mean it is a great show, but after watching so many I couldn't help but get bored of it ^.^ So anyway, all I have to say it that I got my parents addicted to Merlin on accident....


Someday I'm going to learn to trust, until that day I am going to just be superfreakingfoxyawesome and there ain't nothing you can do about it ;P Though....if I lose my superfreakingfoxyawesome status I'm gonna say no on the whole learning to trust ya bit ^.^ cause superfreakingfoxyawesome is way more fun to say than I trust ya

Knowing me I've probably already written about my trust issues on here. I don't remember if I have or haven't though, so I will just keep it brief. I'm good at keeping stuff brief afterall, it's not like I'm a writer who writes everything that comes into her head down or anything. I totally couldn't write a novel on my trust issues. Which makes me think even more that someone on this blog there is a post about my trust issues! I'm sure there is, but anyway I wanted to rant about it because I've been feeling down lately. Not that I'm really ranting because I don't rant, but one can dream. Well actually I do rant because thats basically what I'm doring right now...ANYWAY

I don't trust people. I don't trust them not to hurt me. I don't trust them to keep their promises. I don't trust them to not leave me. I don't trust people. Sometimes I feel like I can trust people, but I always have that one little irking thought that reminds me that I can't trust them. It's like I'm someone who can't trust anyone ever. I don't even trust my own siblings, which brings me to a point. My brother likes to drive us to school and stuff. It's fine for the most part, but on the way home from school he tends to be in bad moods. His driving is greatly affected by his moods. I don't trust him with my life when he driving and he does have my life in his hands basically. I'm completely terrified to be in a car with anyone when they are angry ya know, I sort of want to live.

Yeah, but I don't trust people. End of Story. Shows over. That's all folks ^.^

Oh and happy End of the World Day :D

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Needy Child

So, I admit that I am a very needy child. I am completely okay with admitting it. When people ignore me, I have a huge problem with that. Mostly because I'm very insecure. Like my friends, if I don't talk to them very often, I start to think that I am going to lose them. In fact most of the time I am just waiting for my friends to tell me to leave them alone and get the hell out of their life. I don't feel like I'm actually part of anybody's circle of friends. I feel like the outsider that is trying too hard to fit in. I just expect people to drop me like flies. Especially the friends that I don't get to see every often. They're the ones that I feel the closest to and yet so far away from. I mean, those are the ones that I expect to drop me as a friend the most out of everybody. I feel that way because I know that I am very pushy with wanting to talk to them. It's completely their fault ;P Cause they are like my happy pills and always can bring a smile to my face no matter how bad a mood I am. I know that I can be annoying, selfish, self-centered, annoying, and mean sometimes all of those at once to people! I have never been good at censoring myself, and yet I can censor myself quite well. Sometimes I remember "oh wait I can't say that because they might get mad and stop talking to me" "Oh wait I can't say that, they'll think I'm a psycho" I censor myself as most teenagers do, to fit in. That's why I'm so quiet. Most of the time I can't say anything that is censored enough for everyone around. Actually the real reason I'm so quiet is because I don't want to be made fun of. Basically everything I say I get made fun of. One of my best friends, which I don't know why she puts up with me, says the dumbest most strangest things ever and she gets made fun of all the time. So even though I don't get made fun of very often for what I say anymore, I see first hand people making fun of her for saying things that I would say. I got off topic there though!

IM A NEEDY CHILD and I think all my friends are going to leave me someday. THE END OF STORY.

World Ending

I just want to say, good bye to everyone in these last few hours of the world.....It was nice knowing you all!

As the Dinosaurs always say. The world likes to end on us, so sucks to be you cause we already let the world end on us. YOUR TURN SUCKAS

Wait...... I don't believe that it's going to be the end of the world...dangitttt ;P Oh happy day happy day. Enjoy December 21st you all :} I'm sure it will be just a normal Friday for everybody.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I just spent like the last two hours looking through turtle pictures on google...that's how much I love turtles.....I had a blast doing it ;P
Here is a few of my favorite pictures! I know there is a lot here....but compared to the collection of them that I know how there are very few pictures here ;P

Psych Video

Complaint: I did everything except editing and the social norm
Complaint: It was awful
Complaint: I basically got sick from laughter during the filming
Complaint: I almost died of frustration during the filming

So we made a Psych Video about Socialization in Harry Potter's life....the video did not go well at all. I know it didn't go the way that I had pictured it at least because I am not the most organized person I guess. I mean I had it all planned out in my head and it would have been great. But then I had people who didn't really want to do it. They just were there because they had to be for the filming. They hadn't looked at the script before hand either. You would think they would at least have decided what parts they wanted to be by then. They hadn't. Also I had to film it all in my basement, which was very very messy so that was a fun time.....
Anyway it didn't end well and the video was just awful XD I doubt we got a very good grade on it...I hate making videos for school for a reason, I'm not good at it.....

Monday, November 26, 2012


Jamming on Pandora all night tonight with my Online Alarm Clock set and ready to wake me up tomorrow. Homework is surrounding me with nowhere I could possibly turn on my bed without seeing some sort of homework, unless I bury my head in my pillow. I guess it is time to bury my head so I don't have to see all the homework I am. It is after all quite an overwhelming load that I just don't want to deal with now. It's just the way it must be I suppose. Homework is overrated after all. Spanish music shall put me to sleep tonight and I shall learn by osmosis. Spanish music, Spanish book, Spanish homework. I would say I'm learning Spanish by osmosis today! :D

*no real reason for this picture other than I have a headache that is marring my judgement*
You can't even see my song list ;P
Half my Pandora list ;P
 I might only be listening to the Spanish stations....but dang do I love all of my stations ;P It's a little bit of everything, though I definitely need to put other stations on there. I don't have nearly enough.

Cabinet Paper

I was working on a paper for Poly Sci, but my head started to implode so I had to stop. See I've had this headache all day, and it just seems to be getting worse. It doesn't help that I have to pay really close attention to what I'm saying because the C key only is working half the time so I keep having to slam it to get it to work. It is driving me insane and with a headache that isn't a good thing. I couldn't find what I want to find, and then I'm like what da hell am I thinking, I have a blog XD
I could just make up my own facts obviously and then post them on this blog. Maybe even make about ten other blogs and post them on there as well and then there I will have all the information that I need for the paper! :D Yeah that is how I have been spending my time on this paper.....getting frustrated over and and debating on making stuff up for it. On the positive side, I get to write another research paper for Friday as well.

Procrastination biting me in the ass

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Authors' Endorser

So I have started a new tumblr to promote authors on the lovely website Wattpad. It is called The Authors' Endorser. I just love the word endorser ;P which if you did not know is another way to say promoter. I think it is very important to help people get recognized on Wattpad. I know how much it means to me when people read my stories and give constructive feedback, so I want to help others out in that area and spread the love. I am right now just promoting stories that I really like. Eventually I will probably go onto the promoting with the clubs of Wattpad and such. Since I'm just starting out right now though, I have to be patient and get more people looking at my promote on Tumblr before I start to promote my Tumblr on Wattpad for people to find stories and promote stories.
If you do have a story that you think should be promoted on my tumblr, there is a submit stories button that you can go ahead and submit a story through! Feel free to use it :}

Also right now I'm only doing one promote of the day. I might do something else as well though, because otherwise I will get bored of the tumblr and that just wouldn't be fun ;P

NaNoWriMo Winner

They finally gave me my winnings for NaNoWriMo ;P I finished NaNoWriMo on Day 12 of NaNoWriMo, November 12th that is. It took until today for me to be able to find out what I won. I would just like to say that the young adult program for NaNoWriMo had much cooler winnings. I mean young adults get free copies of their books! Though it does make sense because hey there are more adults doing NaNoWriMo than young adults.

I ended with 56,179 words total, though I did add about 6,000 words yesterday because I was bored and had nothing better to do. I finished NaNoWriMo with 50,128 words on the 12th as I said. I'm proud to be a winner of NaNoWriMo. I didn't think that I would be able to read 50,000 words this year. I have been having epic writer's block and haven't written much for a while. I am glad to know that my writer's block is gone for now. I actually have a story almost completely planned out right now and I'm excited to get started on it. Screw editing all the stories that I need to edit. It's time for a new stress reliever.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A turtle's kiss can solve all of your problems. It's a problem free philosophy man.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sex Talk of the Day

Sex is like Pringles. 
Once you pop, 
you won't wanna stop.

Children in the dark cause accidents.
Accidents in the dark cause children.

Love's a sensation that comes from temptation.
A guy sticks his location into a girl's destination,
to increase the population of the next generation.
Do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?
(no I will not give a demonstration)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm almost done! :}
true fact now that I have internet back to be annoyed with it ^.^

Friday, November 9, 2012

Wattpad Reading Levels

So as you can see, I have lots and lots of reads! I mean you can look to the sides of my blog posts and see just that, but I thought I would bring it to yalls attention. Because It is pretty freaking sweet to have over 7,000 views on a story that I don't even like. I mean I wrote it and still don't like it XD And then my baby has over 2,000 reads. I never thought I would get that many people reading my story. I'm just slightly thrilled ;P But yeah there's that.

Also.....My dad showed me this snipping tool on the computer....I have decided it is really awesauce and just really wanted to use it. That's why there is me sharing this stuff ;P

NaNoWriMo Progress Report

This is my word count so far on my story for NaNoWriMo! :} I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would, but then again I have a lot more time to write without robotics and stuff. Last night I managed to hash out 5,000 some words. I have been really on a roll for a while now! It also helps that I'm typing it as I go. I'm sure that last year when I wrote it out at school and then came home and typed it I got just about the same word count as I am now.
My story right now really needs some cleaning up on it. There are so many things that I don't like about it, but I just keep writing it. Like I have already restarted it because I hated it so much. I am trying to keep writing it even with my hatred of the story though. I think I can make it. So yeah, with 22 days remaining I have 17,630 words to go until I reach 50,000. I'm excited ;} Plus I have never done the Adult NaNoWriMo before!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Best of P!nk

These are some of my favorite songs by P!nk...I can't remember them all though so I'm sure I am missing a few of them ;P 

And just because I love this song ;P Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne.....
In case you hadn't is Halloween....which normally is one of my favorite holidays of the year. I'm not doing anything for it this year. It just feels like another normal October evening....and all day it hasn't felt very Halloweeny....It makes me sad....Have some Halloween pictures now though!

Witches :}
I don't know if the gifs are being gifful....but I sure hope they are, if not this is the link to the witch gif because that one is just awesauce....


Well, NaNoWriMo starts very soon. I'm excited....I have a story ready to be written. I have absolutely no clue where I want the story to go, but I have an idea. I of course have another story idea as well...but that one doesn't count because well hey I don't want to count it XD It's my dream story....I start my sleeping off with making up a story from where I remember stopping the night before until I fall asleep. I never seem to get very far in the story because I always get sidetracked and end up going back to the beginning and starting over...but yeah dream stories ;P
ANYWHO I was talking about story idea I am sure I have already shared on here. I was inspired by the gangs that I heard about while in Guatemala. Gangs are sort of an obsession with me. I think I am going to have to do some research on gangs for this story though. I want this story as accurate as possible, not just a story that has inaccuracies. I tend to write that type of story...I want to try a whole different type of story writing! I'm going to have to make it a romance novel of course, because that is all I ever write. I never don't have any romance in my stories :\ It bugs me..... I don't want romance and yet it ends up happening every time :\
When we were watching a movie in Spanish class last week I found out that mercenaries paid by the USA were what made up the gangs in Mexico today. I thought that was really I'm definitely going to have to do some research on gangs. Of course I don't know anything about gangs now a days so I've been debating about having a story that was written in the 1920s. That is one of my favorite time periods...The only problem is I just read a story about gangs in the 1920s and I'm not sure I want to write a story in the time period now because it feels too much like copying even though it has a different's still a love the same time period....with gangs....
But yeah I'm excited for NaNoWriMo! :D
LOVE this song....and it's stuck in my HERE


Please excuse there being no accentos cuando there should be....I don't exactly know how to do that XD Here's a poem I wrote about Mufasa from the Lion King in Spanish today :}

el rey de todos las tierras,
sobre un acantilado,
el salio.

el rey de todos las tierras,
extraordinario alma,
el fue.

el rey de todos las tierras,
el mundo lloro cuando,
el muerto.

el rey de todos las tierras,
en el cielo,
el ahora vive.

el rey de todos las tierras,
nostoros acordaremos,
para todos la hora.

el rey de todos las tierras.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Facebook Conversations

Yeah so I had a bunch of fun today on Facebook with one person. See I got into an argument over a swear word. I swore and then when I got reprimanded for it I went back and used the editing option Facebook now has to offer and I changed the word to not a swear word. I'm not sure if the person realized that I had done this or was just saying that butt is a swear word. I did not realize butt is a swear word if that is the case though, because butt definitely is not a swear word. Everyone uses the word butt! Here's the conversation though!

Me: That's who I want to paint my ass butt van! 

Friend: Watch your language Mildred!

Me: *changes ass to butt with Facebook's fancy "edit" option*  what you mean? XD there's nothing wrong with it ^.^

Friend: Except the not nice swear word!

Me: I see no swear word >.>

Friend: I do


Friend: Between ugly and van!

Me: It says Butt between said words? 'confused that isn't a swear word!

Friend: Yes it is! It is not a good word, and you shouldn't say it

Me: Butt isn't a swear word Kaitlin <.< Everyone has a butt.....and that's what people call them in normal everyday conversations <.< don't you talk about your BUTT in normal everyday conversations? XD

Friend: No Mildred. I don't actually, and if for some reason I did, I would use words that aren't appropriate to do so

Me: what is the more appropriate word for butt? 'confused I'm so confused....

Monday, October 15, 2012


I think I might have to start using twitter...the only problem being I don't know how to use twitter because yeah. Though my Wattpad has used my twitter just fine and given me almost 2,000 tweets since I have gotten twitter....but yeah....anyway HERE

Also....we call my little sister Twitter because she never stops talking XD

Tardis Gloves

Well my mum decided that she was okay with me using more of her royal blue yarn that she didn't want me to use of. I didn't have school today, so I spent the day (after I woke up around noon) crocheting and watching Doctor Who. I actually am not that into Doctor has a good storyline (kinda not really) but the filming is awful. The acting is depends on the actor/actress but it isn't super good most of the time....the special effects are really not good at all....but yeah just saying. Anyway, I spent the day making the tardis gloves I was talking about. They are fingerless and I'm not really happy with them. I just modified that hat pattern that I had so it doesn't exactly look completely good. I'm debating on making little pom-poms to put on the top of the gloves to be like the light of the tardis ya know, I might try it out just to see how it looks. The letters are better on this one than on the hat because I did end up finding a needle I could use for them instead of using a crochet hook. These gloves look crappy though when compared to gloves you can find on the internet.....

A Conversation

Person A: *sends this picture to Person B* Lulz
Person B: I don't get it. That picture isn't even funny.
Person A: It is when you send it to the unloveliest person ever
Person B: *hurt*

How are you supposed to even react to that? D:

Tardis Hat

The hat.

The "B" didn't work out very well

The finished version
One of my friends gave me the great idea of making the tardis hat...and by gave me the idea I mean I showed him a picture of a tardis hat and told him I was going to make one. It was actually not as hard as I thought it was going to be to make it. See I had found this pattern online, which I had no clue how to read crochet patterns....My mum had to help me out on that aspect. She also had to teach me how to double crochet, which I had absolutely no clue how to do until Saturday when I made the hat. So she taught me how to do the whole double crochet. I was practically done with the pattern and it didn't look anything like a hat so I had to undo the whole thing and start over. My second try I got it ^.^ I made the whole hat on Saturday, even with having to undo the whole thing and start over. I didn't start working on it until the afternoon either cause I slept the morning away like a cool kid. The words were probably the hardest part of the whole thing. I couldn't get them the way I wanted, and I just think the words look awful....especially the B's....I couldn't get those at all.....Digital 8's are what they look like.....But yeah with a lot of help from my mum (meaning she taught me a few new crocheting methods) I managed to make a Tardis hat :} I'm pretty proud of it.
Now I wish I had more of the royal blue yarn to make my favorite gloves to go with the hat.....

Don't Take The Girl

This song....I absolutely love it. Its like the type of love story that everyone wants.....and yeah I love it....

Saturday, October 13, 2012


So I love my friends. I love them. They made my day yesterday so much brighter (yay grammar). Seriously though, we ended up acting like children and mother because two of us were arguing (playfully of course). Other than one day last year, I can't remember a time when I laughed as hard as I did yesterday because of them. Everything I was saying was being twisted to mean something just wrong and inappropriate and then our "mummy" would put us in time out....needless to say I had imaginary permanent markers in my pocket and I just happened to color all over the whole room and on the other child's face. It was so great that eventually our "mummy" left the chat because we were epic. She took her role pretty seriously too. She would make a great actress. But yeah, my friends, I love them :}
Oh and I plan on learning how to make a doctor who hat now :D IT'S GONNA BE EPIC! :} I'm not sure if I'm actually going to follow the pattern that I got or if I'm just gonna make a hat and then add on what needs to be added on.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So I have come to realize something in the last couple days of school that really is bothering me. I have a speech issue. I can't read books out loud because I stumble over words and people make fun of me for it, I also start stuttering slightly at times. Though my stutter isn't a real stutter, it just gets annoying that I can't get the word out as fast as I want to. Then there's also my speaking to people problem. If someone were to talk to me for a period of time they would start noticing it. I have problems with forming sentences. Just listen to me talk and you can catch me skipping words that need to be in the sentence to make it a sentence and stuff. I basically am just saying phrases to get my point across but not enough to make it a real sentence. It sounds really bad and makes speaking quite hard at times. Like when I'm trying to get people to understand and I'm skipping words when I have it exactly right in my head. I hear myself say it wrong, even when I have the words in my head! Yeah I am getting annoyed with me talking.
To explain what's going on with me I have an analogy, kinda sorta.....So I write out speeches when I have to give a speech, like word for word what I am going to say. Then when I get in front of people, I completely freak out. I want to get out of there as fast as possible. Well that's when I start cutting parts out of my speech so that I can get out of there faster. That's basically what I'm doing when I'm talking. I'm cutting parts out of what I'm saying so I can be done talking faster.....

Religious Education

So today in my religious education class, we were learning about Inner Beauty. Basically all that I got from what we were talking about is that the inner beauty is what really matters and that the only way you can have inner beauty is you are ugly on the outside. Like seriously all the people were talking about how they knew someone that looked gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous. Then when they got to know them, they would find out that the person is actually a really big douche (not the words they used because hey I was in church). There was no one that was talking that said they knew someone pretty on both the inside and outside. So yeah people, the only people that are actually nice are the not pretty looking people. Don't judge books by the cover? XD lolz

Oh did I mention that I got this all from the video we were watching? Good job "RealFaith TV" the Inner Beauty edition! Did I take away the right thing? :} Just was a good show.....I probably just noticed something not a lot of people would notice.....

Monday, October 8, 2012


So we had a band competition on Saturday, actually we had two, at the last one though we came away with this purple guy here. I'm pretty darn proud of our band for this. We went from barely anybody being in our band and sucking to a lot more people in band and being awesauce! We got first place at the last competition of the day and a high, extremely high two point from Division 1, Division 2 rating at the first one! I love my band family and I'm so proud of them!