Saturday, May 26, 2012


It's raining. It's pouring. The old man is snoring. He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.
We started singing this after singing Happy Birthday (which I think it very awkward to have sung to you) to my father. He said it was quite a sad song. It was like he had just realized what the nursery rhyme was saying.
As you might have guessed, it is raining outside. I just want to go to sleep because I have grad parties to go to in a couple of hours, but instead I am waiting for my novel to upload to Createspace so I can get it printed. I am not waiting the most patiently so I decided to pop in.
I love rain :D
So in spanish the other day (Thursday) we had our Spanish final. We had to talk in Spanish the whole class period and then we also had to complete our task lists in the "city". I greatly enjoyed it. Talking in just Spanish the whole time was so much fun. I couldn't believe how much I actually understood when people were talking in Spanish. As we went on with the class, I felt like I was able to talk better as well. It was a lot of fun. I wish we did that every class instead of talking in English. I have heard that's what Spanish 4 is I have that to look forward to! One more day of school and I don't have it until next Tuesday....ugh...I want it to be over with.

My upload is done now so!
Toodles Puddles May it stop raining by the time the grad parties start! (one of them has 30lbs of bacon at it)
~the one and only Mildred of the labyrinth. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT A LABYRINTH!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Stab in the Dark Chapter 24

Well I have gotten around to posting yet another chapter of A Stab in the Dark. I'm currently working on editing the whole story and compiling it together so that I can get it printed. The Microsoft Word document that it is in says there are 307 pages when it is in the reading layout. I am so excited that my story is this long. I can't believe how long I have managed to get it now! This baby of mine is my pride and joy and I would be greatly appreciative if you would take the time to read what is on Wattpad. The version that is on Wattpad is my second draft and it is also unedited, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good story. My third draft that I might post on Wattpad, but might not is going to be the edited version! That's the one that I'm getting printed from NaNoWriMo giving me 5 free copies of my story. I'm way to excited for my own good right now.

On a side note....SCHOOL IS ALMOST OUT! There is just one more day of it, which is a half day on Tuesday. I can't wait for it to be out :}

Toodles Poodles <3

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Stab in the Dark Chapter 23

Hey hey hey long time no chat!
Chapter 23 of A Stab in the Dark just got posted up on Wattpad. Please feel free to go read it. If you aren't a person who likes to read depressing stories I advice against reading this one chapter...It can be rather distressing...There's a bit of blood and such...and by a bit I mean lots and lots >:} I was in a gruesome mood...

I have actually finished writing the whole story now, its just a matter of posting them now. I'm working on the whole editing it shenanigan, but it's really tiring and I keep falling asleep while editing! Once I get it edited though I get to go to this awesauce website called createspace and get my story printed like a book :D! I'm really thrilled about it, because this story is my baby. I've been working on it for almost a year now. In about one month from now last year I would be meeting the inspiration of my story. I'm glad that everything went the way that it did with my inspiration because otherwise I wouldn't have this story and I would still have a friend. I don't know if I would rather have my baby or my friend still....I can't decide...but I LOVE MY BABY! and can't wait to get it printed :}! it's so exciting!!!!!!!!

Toodles! :}
-the random one Mildred-

Thursday, May 17, 2012


It occured to me that I have yet to talk about my prom which was May 5th. I know it was a long time ago, but hey I can still talk about it!
So first off, I had this dashing date of mine named Mr. E (Ethan) who is also known as my older brother when I feel like calling him that.We picked him up Friday night an hour away from home (since he lives 2 hours away he met us half way). We got to talk all Friday night and then the next day we went to my grandma's house so I could say good bye to the last of my family that was still there. After that Mr. E and me split ways. I went home and grabbed all my stuff and went to Ellen's house. It was there we decided we would eat before getting ready so we had to hang out for two hours while we waited for everyone else to show up so we could eat. We ordered Casey's pizza, ate and then got ready. That took awhile because we didn't all know what we wanted to do with our hair and not all of us could put on make-up (I'm the guilty party there). Once we were ready, we went to Maddy's house and had pictures taken!
From left to right. Mr. E, Ellen, Mariah, Maddy, Me (Mildred)

Me and my charming date
My sister made my dress that you see here.
We got lost on our way to the dance, but with the help of Ellen's dad we soon got there unfashionably on time. The DJ wasn't even there yet and barely anyone else had shown up! Then we had fun (or at least Mr. E and I did the rest didn't seem to be having fun). We didn't really dance we just kind of stood there and chatted and laughed, swaying to the music sometimes. We mostly were in a circle all holding hands like we were summoning something to us. 
Then we went back to Ellen's house and changed into most comfortable clothes before heading to the middle school for post prom. We bummed around there until 2 and then we went into the auditorium to watch the hypnotist. I must say I died of laughter. That's the most I have laughed and smiled in a long time. I took the girls to their destination for their sleep over and then Mr. E and I went home where I fed him yummy chex mix and then went to bed.
Sunday morning we took Mr. E back where we found him and took my little sister home from my other grandmas house where she had been for her birthday weekend.

The reason it occurred to me that I had yet to post anything about prom was that today is Mr. E's birthday! According to facebook he is 105 years old! :} Happy Birthday Bro :}

Chapter 22 A Stab in the Dark

Random Bubble D: SCARYYYYYYY...anyway >.> 
Children oh children...the plot of A Stab in the Dark is thickening! There's just a few more chapters to go. Come one come all come read the story of a teen who is so far gone yet still hanging on. Come read of her life, the miserable life that she has led for so many years. Come read about her encounter with a demon of hers the poor little thing in this chapter here. Enjoy comment and even vote for this girl needs to know what you think of this story of hers! Chapter 22 is now up sooner than expected and this girl would love to offer you the chance to read it at your hearts content! Enjoy :}

Link to the beginning of the story:

Link to Chapter 22 of the story:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Stab in the Dark Chapter 21

Well I have finally gotten around to posting another chapter of A Stab in the Dark on Wattpad. You should go check it out to see what Charlotte is going through right now on her journey through life! See a completely different side of her this time in this new chapter as she claims a bit of her old self back! Enjoy the read and let me know what you think about it by commenting and/or voting! It means a great deal to me to hear what people think about it!