Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 hour lunch. begining the Roadtrip with a bang

So on my road trip's first day, I went and had a two hour lunch with some of my favorite people and I met a new person that I had been talking with on facebook for awhile. Mr. E, Mrz. Lemon, Boba, and the new lady (wifeytannerlady) were the people that I had lunch with. We had a great time at the chinese restraunt that we had decided to eat at. I couldn't actually eat anything really because my mouth was still in the whole healing phrase, but it was fun to just be able to sit and talk with some of my friends that I hadn't seen in months.
This is Mrz Lemon (guy with sunglasses) and Boba.

Mrz. Lemon with my traveling companion

Mr. E and his fiance WifeyTannerLady who is holding my awesome Puss 'n Boots

Mr. E and WifeyTannerLady. Didn't get many pictures of my favorite wife of Mr. E's because I was sitting nxt to her.

My favorite picture of WifeyTannerLady

Mr. E with his puss 'n boots face.

Home Sweet Home

I just got back home from my roadtrip to pick up my brother :) Now I'm going purse shopping because I'm taking an airplane to NH in less than a week. Have just enough time to get packed again and ready to go!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Feelings summed up in a nutshell

But I didn't feel much like that person at the moment. I felt...fractured. Fragmented. Like I was under fire from all sides, and each impact left a tiny crack in me. Soon, those cracks would spread and touch, and I would just fall apart. Because I wasn't good enough.
Quote from the book Shift by Rachel Vincent.

This is when Faythe alone...tho Marc comes in shortly after...I just can't believe how much truth is in that when I put it into perspective of me...


This is pretty good. :)

:) :) If only I could take a sunset picture that was just as good as the real thing.

:) Sunsets are pretty.

I really luv the gate in the sunset.

Took these on a walk with my mum long time ago.

This one I swear is just a sky full of lava.

Beach Day was a beach day :D :D :D :D and tho it probably wasn't the smartest thing for me what with there being stitches still in my mouth...I went and got a shit load of lake water in my mouth and I'm proud of it. :P I love beach days. We went and swam around for a couple of hours and then hit DQ. and of course we didn't miss the opportunity to gossip. I mean who wouldn't want to know that someone that is only a sophomore in high school is pregnant and there is 4 potential fathers of that baby? oh and that one of your friends overdosed and is in the hospital....that's actually something I would have loved to not know....loved to not have happen....but yeah I can't stop it from happening. Hopefully he gets better soon :} and I mean soon because everyone has suffered enough I think.....enough with the whole people dying or getting severely's getting old now a days.

On a better note....Friday is getting closer....Almost time to go see my favorite Kewaneeians and head to North Carolina :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tragic Death

Well. I officailly can't wait until Friday when I am heading to NC on my roadtrip with my family. My dad is pissed off right now because last night something got in and killed all of our egg layers. No more eggs for us this year I guess. I don't understand why he felt the need to come downstairs to my room at 6 in the morning just to yell at my little sister because they were dead. It wasn't her fault and he needs to learn to get his temper under control. So now I get to help clean the house all day in hopes that my father won't be super mad when he gets home if it is clean. *sigh* Anger management needed here!
Oh but in about 4 hours I get to go to the beach with some friends. Four hours to get everything cleaned so I can go....please yes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

I got my wisdom teeth out last Thursday. I didn't ice it enough on the first day so I am now a big chipmunk with only one puffy ass cheek. It really hurts. The only sorta plus side about it was that after some of the pain started to leave I couldn't resist playing with the stitches that are in my mouth. It's great fun :P Oh but It's really hard to eat though :c

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Like a Lunatic dog started going crazy this afternoon so I decided to take him outside. It just seemed like the appropriate thing to do since he was scared of the thunder that was going on. My siblings and me went and danced in the rain like lunatics because of this :D It was great fun :) We brought a radio out onto the front porch and danced around in the rain. My hair was soaked by the end of it but it was totally worth it :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fair Week

Fair is finally over after today, though I'm not going to the fairgrounds today. It has been an exhausting fair week. On the first day of fair it was really hot and humid out and I did not get enough water. That was the day I got bitched out so I was in a rather bad mood by then because of the water. Being bitched out did make my day though. I was outside all day that day though so it didn't last very long. Well I guess we did take a break and go and chat up some guys that work at Walmart in their nice air conditioned building.
Then the next day (Thursday) we had the chicken show and we had to take sheep for sheep weigh in. I was there again all day. This time I had enough water though because it wasn't as hot out and I didn't do much. I was ready to fall asleep on the bleachers though. I had to help my little sister with her sheep though and ended up being forced to watch the sheep while they were tied up since my siblings had to be in the chicken barn. I have a problem with sheep you know....I was completely exhausted when I got home and fell right asleep. The next day my parents couldn't get me to wake up so I didn't go to the sheep show.
I didn't have to go back out to fair until Sunday though. So I got caught up on my missing sleep hours. Then Sunday I went out to the fairgrounds and died of exhaustion again. It was the dog show and I posted for them. I was pretty much fighting with this one girl over who got to post because she was taking so long and she hadn't told anybody she wanted to post for her mother (one of the horrible judges). Well I found it hilarious, mostly just because she kept losing her seat in the bleachers and would stand there glaring at the people sitting in her spot. She was taking FOREVER to get up there though. We could have been through the dogs even quicker if she hadn't taken so long. I wasn't allowed to make her cry though, so I just stood like I was ready to go into the ring and she got out there so much faster after that. I went home in the middle of Sunday and fell asleep instantly I was so tired....


My lovely dog decided to wake me up in the middle of the night this morning because it was storming out. The tornado sirens were going off, but it was only a severe thunderstorm warning so I wanted to get some sleep. It's lucky that earlier this summer we discovered that he will quiet down with music on, so I  turned my music on and he got quiet and went back to sleep with just an occasional whimper. Me on the other hand could not get back to sleep right away because my parents were downstairs since they didn't know it was just a severe thunderstorm warning. I gave them the laptop to look it up. I get text I knew.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Stupid child has me almost in tears just because I ALMOST saw him today. I didn't even see him...I purposely didn't turn around when my sister inform me he was behind me. I don't want to talk about him yet I can't stop thinking about him and it's so annoying because I need to get him out of my mind and think about other stuff because he just makes me want to cry! Mostly because he is ignoring me....I feel like such a drama queen because of this though. I want a punching bag....

Thursday, July 7, 2011


If you ever get bored. My brother showed me this strange website where you can talk with the computer. It of course has very strange and weird conversations with you but still. It's hilarous

Is Distance the Key? The Key is Distance?

Well...I don't know what's wrong with me, but when I got a text from someone that has been ignoring me for like ever now (as in a couple of hours) I couldn't help but question who it was. I mean wouldn't you if they were calling you babe and baby and asking you if you wanna fuck? Turns out I'm talking to a brain dead person (not literally but that is his nickname now). So I'm not exactly in the greatest mood when he started to text me so other than making me confused I wasn't very happy with brain dead person and requested to talk to him. After 500 hours of trying to convince pplz to let me talk to brain dead (my sister and rental sister really really didn't want me to since rental sister almost got into a fight with him already and my sister thinks he is a horrible person)...I asked brain dead about his insecurity...I mean he had to be if he was pretending to be someone he obviously isn't just to get sex right? Well he didn't like that line of questioning and started to cuss every other Brain Dead child made my day because of that. :D I have problems.

What's even horribler (yes I said horribler), is that Brain Dead (while swearing da hell outta me) was talking very sensible (even though he was swearing) and I can't help but listen to the fact that I don't really want to get in a fight with him (though he had better watch his back because I am capable of fighting and even though he completely made my day he still is in danger of getting his ass whooped).

Anyways....So my problem is....I'm being a complete bitch to people that I like because I want to keep them as far away from me as possible so I don't get hurt. I'm afraid of being hurt...that's what one of my friends told me was my issue at least and I'm thinking that is so true. I don't want to get hurt so I don't even wanna be close to anyone that I might get hurt from. Actually my mind is really unstable now anyways so I would end up hurting them or something. I don't know what's going on in my mind and it's driving me insane because I can't seem to control my own mind or anything... Who would've thunk....what's wrong with me

Monday, July 4, 2011

Cinco de Julio appears that it is the happy 4th! and yes I know I said 5th of July as my title :)

Fair starts for me tmro...have to go and put up the fair booth and then it officailly starts on Wednesday. Yay for unneeded yelling and stress from the 'rentalz?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Bond- For Regalito

I looked into his eyes and saw his soul.
He looked into my eyes and saw my soul.
He was my horse and I was his person.
We knew each other's thoughts, each other's feelings.
We trusted one another.
We took joy in each other's company.
He was my horse--I was his person!
We shared a bond, a bond of love.

One of my favorite poemz 

My Mind Poem

My mind is like a fortress with layers of protection. Behind every wall is a secret that must be hidden. In every stone there's a need to run and be free.

The moat around my fortress is where my thoughts swim. Sometimes dangerous, sometimes shy, sometimes the most random things. Many of my thoughts are like the gators but in the moat. They eat my mind as they get into the fortress. The moat snags some of the thoughts that would hurt me. But it can’t get them all.

Every corner has a passage leading towards who I am. The fortress so big and its so hard to get in. But once your in, your in and you won’t be able to get out. Its a maze to find me though, so the journey is long and hard through the fortress.

My mind is like a fortress trapped behind the walls of itself, one day hoping that the walls will fall down and float away. The fortress doesn't always stay, it's a loose cannon but mostly my mind is a fortress to hide from pain. It's a bad fortress though for blocking the pain, for it blocks all other emotions with the pain.

My mind is a fortress waiting to shine through.

Bonding with da sista

Just watched Employee of the Month with my little sister....I totally didn't keep her up way to late >.<

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bad Teacher plus Circle of Ash

Today...errr yesterday....I went and saw the movie Bad Teacher with my friends. We of course missed the showing we wanted to go to so we hung out at target first....
 Ellen is the evil one! defeatttttt her! :)
 Found the perfect pillow for a pillow fight.....
 So of course we didn't mind getting them in our faces.
 Maddy showing off her snake skin shoes.

We had a bunch of fun there before we went and saw the boob movie (she just teaches to get a boob job).
Then after that movie we of course went back to my house and I got a text inviting me to the Circle of Ash (haunted place with zombies). The zombies of course meant I had to I went and drug Ellen along with me. Maddy didn't want to go and she had the whole car not starting dealio to work with while we were gone.
My first haunted house like thing and it wasn't even scary....I was rather disappointed. It was hilarious listening/watching my friends though. They were freaking out. All in all that was one way to spend my friday that had started out very very boring :D