Friday, December 21, 2012


Someday I'm going to learn to trust, until that day I am going to just be superfreakingfoxyawesome and there ain't nothing you can do about it ;P Though....if I lose my superfreakingfoxyawesome status I'm gonna say no on the whole learning to trust ya bit ^.^ cause superfreakingfoxyawesome is way more fun to say than I trust ya

Knowing me I've probably already written about my trust issues on here. I don't remember if I have or haven't though, so I will just keep it brief. I'm good at keeping stuff brief afterall, it's not like I'm a writer who writes everything that comes into her head down or anything. I totally couldn't write a novel on my trust issues. Which makes me think even more that someone on this blog there is a post about my trust issues! I'm sure there is, but anyway I wanted to rant about it because I've been feeling down lately. Not that I'm really ranting because I don't rant, but one can dream. Well actually I do rant because thats basically what I'm doring right now...ANYWAY

I don't trust people. I don't trust them not to hurt me. I don't trust them to keep their promises. I don't trust them to not leave me. I don't trust people. Sometimes I feel like I can trust people, but I always have that one little irking thought that reminds me that I can't trust them. It's like I'm someone who can't trust anyone ever. I don't even trust my own siblings, which brings me to a point. My brother likes to drive us to school and stuff. It's fine for the most part, but on the way home from school he tends to be in bad moods. His driving is greatly affected by his moods. I don't trust him with my life when he driving and he does have my life in his hands basically. I'm completely terrified to be in a car with anyone when they are angry ya know, I sort of want to live.

Yeah, but I don't trust people. End of Story. Shows over. That's all folks ^.^

Oh and happy End of the World Day :D

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