Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh Darling

One of my favorite songs of all time right now is called "Oh Darling" but Plug in Stereo...and the guy is so freaking adorableeeeeeeeee :)

I prefer when he is the only one singing and not with the girl....but take your pick XD
then again....I also don't like the music video for when they have the girl singing with him...its it's a good thing I'm not posting that music video and I found a better one instead XD!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Suidide Talk....

So I find myself giving this talk a lot now a I thought I would just post it up here.....
Version Number Uno:
Ff you are really contemplating that, ask the people around you. Ask the people around you what they would do if you were gone. Ask them how they would feel, how they would react. They probably won't even know, but I'm sure they don't want to find out. Want to know what would happen? Everyone would be impacted that is in your community. Everyone is affected by a suicide, no matter what. This is because people don't know how to handle a death sometimes. Mostly it is because that people will miss you. If you are really contemplating this as the only option in life, then take a step back. Look at all the people that you interact with in your life. The kids at your school, your friends, their parents, their friends, the person you said hi to at a store, all your friends online. Your death will affect them. So many people would wonder why you did it, and you wouldn't be able to answer them. So many of them will be hurt and confused. They won't understand. Some of them will sink into a depression that matches your. One suicide in a school system can have a rippling effect (I would know). So take a step back and look at all the people it would effect.

Version Number Dos:
If you are really contemplating this as the only option in life, then take a step back. Look at all the people that you interact with in your life. The kids at your school, your friends, their parents, your parents, your family, their friends, the person you said hi to at the story, all your friends online.
Your death will affect them. So many people would wonder why you did it, and you woudln't be able to answer them. A suicide note wouldn't be able to answer that for them either, it would just raise more question. So many of them will be hurt and confused. They will be hurt that you didn't come to them with your problems. They will be hurt that you didn't let them help you. But most of all they
will be hurt that you left them. The won't understand. Some of them will sink into a depression that matches yours. One suicide in a community can have a rippling effect (I would know). So take a step back and look at all the people that would be effected.
It's a life changing decision, literally, so don't make a rash decision. Get help if you feel like you need it. There's always something to look forward to in life. Take one day at a time and find that one thing for that day that will make you happy.
Just focus on one day at a time.
My suggestion if you are having a really bad to become a little kid again.
Little kids are always so do what little kids do....forget about your worries and have fun....go to a playground and a hilarious anything that is fun and makes you happy.
There's always something that can cheer you up ^.^ so don't let one bad day ruin many more.

Hopefully I won't have to have a version number tres......but here you go children...If you are thinking about suicide....this is for you....and if you want a better one.....just let me know what your situation is....I can make one just for you :)

Child Snatchers

So I finished my story, Child Snatchers. You should totally check it out on! I even made a cover for it today since I was sick all's kind of a dumb looking cover, just a picture I got off the internet, but I really like the girl's shirt....Here's the link for that. other story is starting to heat up, things are getting intense! It's called A Stab in the Dark (though the cover I made to day says its called "Save Me From Myself." I wasn't sure I wanted to keep it a stab in the dark so I made the cover for the other title I was playing around with. After that though I wattpadded the story title and found that no one has named there's a stab in the dark, but my other title has already been taken. So for now I'm sticking with A Stab in the Dark....
heres the link to that story.....

and I know I have posted these mulitple times before, but I can't help myself. I love getting new reads. So I just keep posting them and hoping people will find them if they are posted everywhere. I want as many people as possible to read them. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

You know You've Read Too Much Harry Potter When.....

  • You know very well that you will never have read to much of Harry Potter!!!

  • You say things to people like "Wingardium Leviosa!" and "Expelliarmus!" to trolls and incompetent professors.

  • You've read all the Harry Potter books out so far ten or more times!!!

  • You follow any kids around with any of the character's names, prodding them to do magic.

  • You often call a teacher you don't like "Snape."

  • You're always getting weird looks from people when you ask if they have possibly seen your toad.

  • Your parents think you're nuts; this is because you often ride around your home on a broom trying to fly.

  • You try every day to get people to move in pictures.

  • You have a wand that you use a lot.

  • Your teachers keep wondering why you turn in your homework on parchment.

  • You have two sets of each book and send off more copies to friends and penpals and recommend the books to relatives who are weirder than you.

  • Your two sets of each book are seperated this way: One to read over and over, spill things on, drop, crinkle, and ruin the pages; and two, to keep pretty on the bookshelf and never touch except to dust.

  • Your friends wonder where you got the term, "The only fly in the ointment."  They laughed at it the first ten times you said it.

  • You constantly pester your family to move to Britain so you can be closer to J. K. Rowling.

  • You write to Warner Brothers and Scholastic about Harry Potter and you used to get answers, but now, six months later . . . nope!

  • You talk in low hisses to snakes who lazily glance at you.

  • You scower the libraries around your town and school for books like The Standard Book of Spells and Hogwarts, A History and the librarians have to keep repeatedly telling you "WE DON'T HAVE THOSE BOOKS!!!"

  • You constantly pester your artsy friends to draw pictures out of the Harry Potter books.

  • You go to Harry websites every day.

  • You have tons of papers on Harry Potter that you printed off the Internet and used up the toner on.

  • You have many floppy disks full of Harry Potter stuff.

  • Your desk area always consists of Harry Potter things.

  • You made you parents read Harry Potter.

  • You constantly ask the people at Barnes and Noble when the next book is coming in& when Sorcerer's Stone is going to be stocked in again.

  • After finally getting a straight answer from these people, you place a hold on the two books.

  • You try to make your eighteen year old friend read them and all she'll say is "Ooh! Pictures!"

  • You go to the zoo and try to speak to the boa constrictor.

  • You go into the bathroom and scratch in a snake in the sink then try to make it open up.

  • Your friends are always staring at your nice, long eagle feather quill, wondering why you have it.

  • Your inkwell has spilled many times in your pack.

  • You keep going to search engines, trying to find more fan sites.

  • You don't care much for the Scholastic site.

  • You want a prequel!!!

  • You want more than seven books!!!

  • You wonder why Ptolemy is considered a wizard by J. K. Rowling.

  • You get excited by any Greek/Roman mythology characters mentioned.

  • You saw the movie "The Haunting" & said flat out that the house was Hogwarts.

  • You got really excited when the griffins started moving in the movie!

  • You thought a place you went with lots of trees & a lake was the moved backyard of Hogwarts.

  • You have a turban that smells weird & is a lovely shade of violet.

  • You say at the beginning of school, "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

  • You constantly sing the Sorting Hat's song and the Hogwarts song.

  • You have seven bottles.

  • You stay away from plants with vines for fear of it being a Devil's Snare.

  • You have a mirror you call "Erised."

  • You beg your parents to get you an owl.

  • You want to buy a train & name it the Hogwarts Express.

  • You constantly quote characters.

  • You bug other webmistresses and webmasters of Harry Potter websites.

  • You wear black robes and pointed hats.

  • You glue a compass to the dashboard of your parent's car and try to get the car to fly.

  • Your attempts to try to fly have gotten you hurt and special appointments .

  • You try to make the Poly-juice Potion.

  • You get an egg and try to hatch it under a toad.

  • You get a diary and never write in it.

  • Your language arts/English teacher hands you a Harry Potter poster, when, though you hadn't asked, you were about to .

  • You scream in joy when something about Harry Potter comes on the news or anyplace else.

  • You eagerly await the fight on MTV's "Death Match" that will contain the following: Harry vs. Draco; Ron vs. Scabbars; Snape vs. Neville's grandmother; you get the idea . . .

  • You automatically hit anyone if they say anything negative about Harry Potter (e.g., "Harry Potter sucks!"), & know they deserved it.

  • You tell adults that they have to read the books and correct the librarian the third book does not have a "bird" on it, but a hippogriff.

  • You dress up as a witch or wizard for Halloween to show off your spirit.

  • You break your arm, then come to school saying that a big black ball hit your arm, and broke it, and then a crazy blond man tried to remove the bones.

  • You say that despite the fight, you and the dragon are still "good friends," then mutter about "that stupid singing egg."

  • You often mutter spells when a teacher/classmate annoys you and you aren't able to use "colorful" language.

  • Your trip(s) to the Harry Potter movie ended with a mixed reaction.

  • You scare reporters by sending them fan mail for doing a blurb about Harry.

  • You and your parents cut out every newspaper cartoon you find with reference to Harry Potter

  • You are an avid fan fiction writer/reader.

  • Any mention of Harry Potter makes you scream, laugh, applaud, or overall just become rather giddy.

  • Your friends refer to you as "that Harry Potter maniac."

  • You can name all the first Harry Potter sites that began popping up in mid-1999

  • You meet someone for the first time and demand to know if they like Harry Potter; if they don't, your opinion of them drops several points.

  • You enter every Harry Potter contest available.

  • You start getting mad and begin to scream if there is any hint the next book is going to take longer to come out than you think it should!

  • You actually won a Harry Potter scarf from the 2001 Sears movie contest

  • You believe that you know more about Harry Potter than J. K. Rowling does.

  • You beg your chemistry teacher to help you make a "potion" and s/he tells you to be quiet because they don't want to be pestered by you any longer

  • You find it hilarious that your teachers work at Renaissane Faires because they look a little like the extras running around Diagon Alley in the movie.

  • People at school call/know you by your Harry Potter screenname.

  • Anything remotely related to Harry Potter is gold. 

  • taken from the website: Harrypotterrealm