Saturday, March 31, 2012

Random Dream again!

    • Once upon a time...there was a girl named Zarka. She went to school every day and her teacher was more of a mentor. Zarka didn't go to school to learn like most humans. It was her job to protect them from the worst of her kind. The teacher taught her how to disguise herself so no one of her kind would eer know what she was. Well, not unless she was close enough to them that they could put their nose to her that is. So the teacher for some reason always had Zarka sitting in her classes. Most people thought Zarka was just her dumb child who couldn't go to school. Zarka didn't age so she moved from teacher to teacher every few years. This was the first time she had a job to do though. It was just planned that she would move. There were bad ones of her kind after the students of only the one teacher's class...

      One day a new kid came to school. The teacher said he was the worst of the worse of her kind. He was in one of her classes. IT was Zarka's job to keep him from the students. So the teacher sat them together and then she let Zarka do her business. In the middle of class the boy started to get hungry. He couldn't control himself, he was so hungry. Zarka looked rather yummy, so he grabbed her shoulders and began to pull her towards him, but she just brushed him off, like his grip wasn't of iron when it really was. He looked at her in suprise and grabbed her hand. Zarka watched him with bored eyes bring her hand to his nose, taking a deep brath. He realized they were both of the same kind.

      "This is my territory" Zarka stated with a glare. He became very angry and pulled out a wooden dagger. He stabbed the girl to death, before moving onto his next victim in the classroom.

      THE END

      PS: Did I tell you I have a prom date!? :D

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day Dream :D

Once upon a time
there was a girl that was just chilling in her house.
and there was a really big storm outside. no one but her was home at the time. and then the sirens started to go off. so she went into the basement and chilled for a while. there was a huge crash and debrey flew everywhere. it was like she was in a cave in. she couldnt see anything except darkness. she heard the wind outside still and was scared that she was going to die.
she was able to move just enough to get her phone out of her pocket and call 911.
they asked her what her emergency was and she said she needed help...she told them that she couldn't move...and that something really big had fallen on top of her. she was really confused and didn't understand what was going on.
they told her they were on their way and to stay on the line with them.
then her fone died....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Envelope Licking

So today in robotics, we were addressing envelopes. We have to raise a $2,000 for my schools robotics teams to go to worlds this year, which both teams qualified to go to. So we address our beautiful envelopes in beautiful handwriting, I as writing too big and kept running into the stamps but it was still beautiful. Then we stuffed the envelopes with our beautiful letters. Ruj had to go cut up the third of a paper that we also stuffed into the envelopes in case they actually wanted to donate money to our club. So now think about this, we have about 160 envelopes that need to be licked and are too lazy to walk down the hall and get a paper towel or sponge to do it for us, what do we do? I started to just pass the envelopes out to everyone that was in the robotics room. Some of the people refused to,  but mostly everyone took some and started licking. It took less than 5 minutes, but gosh the facial expressions of everyone were so hilarious. I just kept handing them out to people when they got low. I didn't really lick any of them, which I am proud of because I can't stand envelope taste. That's what I did in robotics today ^.^ I made people make really funny faces!


Random Dream! :D

    • Once upon a time there was a girl that was just walking around town. She went to go into a restuarant when she noticed she was being stalked again. There was a scary clown/witch painted orange and black following her. This witch had taken a liking to her for some unknown reason. This witch wanted her blood...the girl went into the restuarant and asked for help because she had a stalker. Then an annoying alarm went off and she woke up to realize it was just a very vivid dream XD THE END
      I swear there was more to that dream than just that much, but I can't remember it. So that's all I can say. I have the strangest dreams sometime....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Simpsons + The Maury Show

I really hate the show the Simpsons. For some reason my brother left the channel on whatever channel the simpsons is on. It's all about the medicinal marijuana today. I don't understand why people watch this show when it's so dumb and always making fun of people. Maybe I don't understand it because I don't approve but whatever. I don't like it and I just watched a whole episode of it, sort of.
The Simpsons isn't something that I have ever been allowed to actually watch. My parents agree that it is a dumb show so I have never watched it until a few years ago when my siblings started to watch it. My parents used to always change the channel when it would come on, but now they aren't home when its on. I had seen snippets of the show and knew that it was dumb and I didn't like it so I never had a problem with my parents rule. I do however have a problem with my siblings making us watch it.
I also don't understand why people want to watch shows that make other people look bad and shows of their problems. I am specifically talking about The Maury show, because oh my god it is so stupid. People have problems okay? Everyone does. There's no need to put their problems on the show! Anyways I shouldn't criticize what I don't understand. :) adios!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dream for the Soul

Once upon a time there was a girl who had a twin brother. They both went to the same school together and were really close. At school they almost never separated. One day the school guard had to get the girl alone. An evil man wanted her.
So when the school bell rang, the guard somehow got her to go outside alone. No one saw her go to her car and get something and then head back towards the school. As she was about to go inside her twin brother screams at her to run (he is nowhere around but she knows its him) It's too late though. The guard grabs her with no witnesses around and takes her to the school basement. She is tied to a chair to wait for the evil guy to come
its very scary to her because the girl knew how evil the evil guy was and knew she wouldn't make it out alive
The End

Yeah...I just thought I would share my dream from the other night since it is so interesting. My dreams are really bad I must say. They go from bad to worse then back to bad. I just don't seem to ever have any good dreams anymore....

A School Time Story

This is what happened to me today at school >:\

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to quickly go through the asia countries during lunch time since she didn't go over them the night before. The computer lab had a class in it though so she went to the computer circle in the library. The one computer that was open didn't have a mouse...but that's okay because she really doesn't need a mouse. But it also wouldn't log anyone on so she couldn't practice.
well there was a lovely boy, (who is an attention whore next to her). So he was messing around on the computer that wouldn't log anyone on as well as being on his own computer. The girl didn't feel like leaving because she had a spinny office chair and it was comfy. She also had nothing better to do but watch said boy screw around with the computer that she had wanted to get on. The boy kept turning the computer off and on. The button was on the other side of the computer meaning he had to lean across the girl to get to it.
Then he showed said girl hilarious pictures and sayings and such on his computer while we waited for the computer to become smart enough to log someone on. Then one of his friends came and they all started reading the stuff he had up on his computer.
He decided that he needed to mess around more on the broken computer so he gave his chair to the friend. Then instead of just standing or kneeling in front of the broken computer, he sat on the girls lap.
He completely smooshed her too by leaning completely back. He wouldn't get off said girl. He told her that she had to have a good attitude for ten seconds before he would stop leaning on her. She apparently counted to fast for him, but he did stop leaning on her.
Five minutes later or so, after the girls friend came upstairs to hang out with her, the boy decided it was time for a story. So he did what little kids would do and tried to curl up on the girl's lap. Like he tried to swing his legs up onto the seat so he was sitting fully on the girl's lap with his legs hanging over one side of the chair and leaning against the over side of the chair's arm rest.This however caused him to fall off the chair onto the floor which the girl was thankful for because her legs were going numb.
The girl and girl's friend left shortly afte.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Palisades Kelper State Park

Went on a walk at Palisades today. It was really nice out. I guess we are skipping spring and going straight to summer? That's what it felt like today. My whole family went there (no dogs though because we went to lunch first). We sort of stayed on the trail as we walked and we sort of made our own shortcuts. Though I think the deer helped us make these shortcuts. We didn't do it all on our own. I didn't take very many pictures, because it was so freaking fun and I didn't feel like it. I might be the photographer, but I like to just enjoy stuff sometimes without worrying about breaking my camera. I would've broken it too if I kept taking it out. We were not on the trail enough to take a lot of pictures. We walked across this log that had a good drop from it in a valley dip. As my dad was climbing off it he slipped and one leg went out from under him while the other stayed. He says he does not bend that way. It was really really funny.
Then my older sister had to go back to college so that's what went down today. Here has a few of the pictures that I took today though!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I like Aardvarks. They are cute. I thought I would share a few pictures with you, and maybe even some info too!

Nah, I'm too lazy to find info on Aardvarks. I just wanted to post something with pretty pictures and my friend was talking about how ugly bats were and somehow Aardvarks came into the picture. This made me think of Arthur the Aardvark, you know from that little kids show? I love love love love love that show, even though some people would say I'm too old to be watching it now. I don't think it's possible to out grow kids shows. Wanna know why? I'll tell you why. It's because they are AWESAUCE. :) and maybe because they teach lessons even when you don't realize it? but that probably isn't the reason.

Someday I'm sure I will regret not actually watching the videos before posting them. I watch them after I post them, sometimes. Though most of the time I have already watched them before and am just looking for the right one. I don't always find the right one though....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sh*t _______________Say

So today I was introduced to the trend "Shit ______ Say" I can't help but share my favorite of them. I'm a clarinet player so I really liked this one because I have said some of these. Granted I have also said that I hate breathing and that I don't do 16 notes. I say a lot of stuff when it comes to Clarinets...I also don't practice so I am not exactly an expert clarinet player. I'm jealous of people that  can afford a good clarinet though...and just saying....I HAVE A WOOD CLARINET...they are better than the plastic ones ^.^ Also...this guy is kinda cute...just thought I should inform you of something that you would probably figure out yourself, unless you aren't me and then you might not have the same thought as I have....

A Stab in the Dark

Yeah that's right. I haven't posted since February 22, but that is about to change because I am bored and have no one to talk to right now. My opinion on the matter is that I need to share my thoughts with some people so I might as well do it on here. Right now I just finished typing up a chapter of my story, A Stab in the Dark. You should check it out RIGHT HERE. It's chapter 18 so if you haven't read any of the other chapters I advice starting at the beginning and working your way up there, but it's good in my opinion, one of my better stories, so you should go and read some of it.
My brother came in while I was typing it up and told me that I write awful stories and that the fact that I was typing them up was worthless because they were so awful. He just kept dissing and dissing me because he wanted the laptop. I understand that he wanted the laptop, because he was kicked off the desktop so my dad could do taxes, but I don't understand why he had to be such a jerk about it. All I seem to get from my family is ridicule. I like to write people! Just let me write what I want to and don't give me crap about it unless you have read it. I know that none of them have read it too, they just have heard me gush on and on about how the story is going to end. I won't say how it ends though in case you want to go read it. I'm almost finished writing the ending of it, there's just a few more chapters to go :D!
Now I must get back to editting, since I have a deadline to meet. NaNoWriMo has made it possible for me to get 5 free copies of my story a book format! I am really excited for this and can't wait to see it in book format. It makes me really really really really really happy. Like you have no idea how happy I am about it right now....
So peace out hot stuff,
PS/I can't seem to stop saying hot's hot stuff this hot stuff that today for some reason....maybe it will be watermelons tomorrow though.....