Monday, October 31, 2011


NaNoWriMo is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!! two more minutes until midnight...which is the start of november...which means I can start working on "A Stab in the Dark" finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so frikken excited you have no more minute left now.....

In Your Life Quote #10

The only people you need in your life
is the one that need you in theirs. 
Don't make someone a priority 
if they only make you an option !

 ~*~*~*~*~Not the best I have written, but whatever, it's as good as its going to get considering I'm really bad at writing stories about these quotes. :) ~*~*~*~*~
When they got to Jason's place, they went up to his bedroom and turned on the television. The mood had been broken in the car when Nina wouldn't stop talking about how annoyed with his father she was. Then she let slip that she had tried to seduce his father and he wouldn't talk to her anymore. So they just sat on his bed watching tv for the rest of the school day. When Mr. Gray got home, Nina climbed out the window, not wanting to face him again. Jason was still really angry with her for a reason she just couldn't understand.
The next day at school, Brian came up to her before class started. He just looked at her with a frown. "The only people you need in your life is the one that need you in theirs." He stated to her and looked expectantly at her. 
Nina sighed quietly, knowing what was about to happen. "Don't make someone a priority if they only make you an option," she replied quietly to him and walked into a deserted classroom. "So you found out?" she inquired without looking at him.
"I've known," Brian replied, putting his arms around her waist. "I don't think I can do this anymore though. The principal is out to get you Nina, and I don't want to get caught up in that fight."
"So it's really you who won't make me a priority?" Nina joked with a grin, knowing that she was the cheater and not him.
"It's both of us," Brian laughed. "You know it is."
"Yeah of course I do," Nina replied with a sexy smile. "I know that everyday after first hour you go to your study hall. In your study hall you go to the boys locker room with Martha. I'm not completely dumb."
"Ha Ha," Brian laughed with no real joy now. "You aren't allowed to tell anyone about that though. If anyone knew I wouldn't get my fill of pussy in during the school day."
"Aw how sweet of you to feel the need to warn me about this," Nina laughed, also with no joy. "I don't care anymore about what happens to you actually. Then again, I don't think I ever did care. It's great being the two biggest players in this school don't you agree? Anyways I'm sure you will be able to make it on your own. I have taught you well."
Brian's smirk suddenly dropped from his face and he gripped Nina's arm very hard, hard enough to bruise. She didn't even flinch as his hand tightened more and more. "I was never trained by you, you filthy little whore."
Nina glared at him and ran her long nails down his arms, digging in deep enough to draw blood. "This might be a turn on to you," Nina whispered to him when he closed his eyes, "but I hope you realize how big of an enemy you just made calling me that." With that she stormed out of the room, right into Jason who was waiting at the door for her. He didn't even say a word as he pulled her into his arms. He walked backwards as not to release Nina from the death grip of a hug he had with her as he put distance between her and Brian.
"You really are an idiot," Jason murmured to her when they turned the corner and started to walk normally. His arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her hand. When they got to his car, he leaned her against it and looked into her eyes. "My whore you aren't a whore today." There was amusement in his eyes when hers flickered with anger at him.
"I don't approve of your language," she snapped and pushed him away. He didn't budge though. "Get away from me Jason, I'm not in the mood."
"I'm not either," Jason grinned at her, "but you are upset, which means I need to pay special attention to you don't you think?"
"Brian reminded me of something okay, and I'm not sure that I want to do this anymore, with anyone. I'm done being someone else's pet. It's time for me to actually try to sort through the pain instead of trying to find outlets to get rid of it!" She yelled, her voice growing louder and louder. Jason put a finger over her lips to shut her up, but she just pushed his hand away and crossed her arms. "As I said, no more pets. So you and me are going to have to end."
"Nina, Nina, Nina, tell me what he reminded you of," Jason demanded with a sad expression.
"The only people you need in your life is the one that needs you in theirs. Don't make someone a priority, if they only make you an option. It was your father that first told the whole school that wasn't it? Just after your mother decided she was leaving. Well that's what Brian reminded me of. The fact that I'm just using people and probably going around and hurting them because I won't put them as a priority to me."
"We can work on that then," Jason smirked. "I thought you already saw me as a priority anyways. I mean, you see me everyday at least once, so why wouldn't you see me as a priority."
"Jason, Jason, Jason, as much as I love you, this is never going to work out," Nina laughed, and then slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized what she had said.
"I knew it!" he triumphantly declared. "And I love you too Nina." He kissed her tenderly and softly, pulling back when she didn't respond to him. "Fine be that way, just let me know when you change your mind." He walked away from her without glancing back.

Life sucks...better start sucking it up

I need to complain. It's a Monday and it has been proven that people complain more one Mondays, and that's exactly what I need to do right now. Complain and vent....

So today in Orchestra, Kenzie decided that she was going to point out that I suck at cello. Which is only because she has had private lessons and I haven't. She thinks that she should be where I sit since she is better than me, but it's seniority rules. She just keeps getting on my nerves. She's an awful stand partner and she just makes me feel like shit. How would you like to be told everyday that you suck? -.-
Then there's the whole band thing also, I'm third Clarinet (though if we had actually gone by chair auditions I would be first chair) and Lauren decided she is so much better than me because she's 2nd clarinet. She is another one of those people that just plain make me feel like shit. She keeps trying to boss me around. For some reason she feels like she has to point out everyday that I have horrible posture and I need to sit with my feet on the floor. I sit cross-legged in Band because it gives me better posture than if I sat with my feet on the floor. With my feet on the floor I always sit slouched really low. She told me I sound like crap. That is when she can hear me at all...Not my fault I don't play that loud. You try playing loud when you know you are going to get picked on if you mess up. It just makes you mess up more worrying about messing up too, so of course I always mess up. I don't understand why people have to make me feel awful because of my instrument playing skills. At least when I play piano people don't make fun of me for that. Then again, I don't normally play piano at school where others who aren't my family will here, because I know they will start making fun of me for it.

Okay...ranting over...guess what!!!!!!!! It's the last couple of hours of Halloween....Happy Halloween everyone and NANOWRIMO starts in.....FIVE HOURS....ahh I'm so excited. A Stab in the Dark shall be written this next month of November and will give me an outlet for all my depressing thoughts that I have. I guess I should get onto finding names for my people now...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Horror of the Horror in Horror Movies

So my friends really wanted me to go watch Paranormal Activity 3 with them tonight/yesterday night. I made it very clear that I couldn't watch scary movies, no matter how unscary they said it would be. So they went to the movies without me and one of my other friends and then we hung out after the movie. The were starting to watch Paranormal Activity 1 when I arrived, and I CANT WATCH HORROR MOVIES. So of course, I might have thrown a little bit of a tantrum, but you have to understand that my imagination is way too active for horror movies. I already scare the living day lights out of me at least once a day. I can't even watch previews of scary shows without letting them come back to haunt me later.
Like when I was driving home in the dark from my friends house at 11pmish (closer to midnight than 11) I couldn't stop thinking about the clip of Supernatural I had seen. Where there was this something girl that just appeared in the middle of the road and he hit her and she then appeared in his backseat. I don't know why, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I was like oh my god there's going to be a creepy something popping out at me any second now. I really shouldn't be allowed to drive home alone in the dark. Though if it's dark and I'm in a car no matter what that thought starts running through my head.
Then of course there's this show that I watched when I was littler that of course creeped me out and I have yet to recover from it. It was where the tooth fairy will kill you if you see her and that she couldn't go into light. It was really really scary.
There's also Criminal Minds. Yes I think that's shows scary. I have to watch the whole episode or I will have nightmares.
My nightmares are very very very unpleasant. I have enough of them without the help of scary movies also. My imagination will just obsess over stuff I see. Just keep obsessing over it until I go insane and it will freak me out. Some nights I can't even convince myself it's safe to sleep you know, without some random person creeping into my room at night. I have my dog in my room most nights, and I still don't always feel safe. I think he would protect me....maybe....
So that my dears is why I can't watch scary movies, my overactive imagination will scare me to death. There's also the reason that I just plan don't enjoy scaring the shit out of myself. If it's scary I want no part in it. Now I can't sleep by the way....I just can't sleep....and I didn't even pay attention to the damn movie. We just saw a commercial of a different horror movie when we were waiting for Beastly to start.
Little kitties being torn to pieces with knifes. My friends, the kittys thing doesn't actually work for me like it seems to work for you when you're scared....It won't leave me...So I am sorry to my friends for being a wuss, I accept that I'm a wuss. Please understand why horror movies and I don't mix.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Reading Minds Quote #9

If I could read minds I wouldn't ask so many questions.

 ~*~*~*~*~*~*Chation! This is an inappropriate story. Don't take offense and if you don't want to read about people making out and being whores, don't read this!~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Once upon a time in a far away land, there lived LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!!!!!! "Hey Nina, wake up! Time to get ready for school!" called Nina's mom just as she was starting a story in her head. With a sad sigh, she got out of her warm cozy bed and headed towards the bathroom. Of course she didn't make it that far before she tripped over a body on her floor. Letting out a yelp, she fell over her brother's body as he stirred slightly in his sleep. In an attempt to not wake him up, she stood up quietly and walked even more quietly over to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, she grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Then she went back out to her room, which luckily for her was a wood floor and not carpet. Staring down at her brother's sleeping form, she dumped the glass of freezing cold water on his face and then ran back into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She could hear him yelling at her through the door, but she just turned her radio up loud and got into the shower.
Glancing at clock on the wall in the shower she took a very quick shower, she was going to be late again.
Nina ran into the classroom without slowing down. Well she didn't even make it into the classroom, she didn't get the doorknob when she grabbed it so she ran right into it. Today was already going badly for her. At least her boyfriend was in this class with her. They would suffer through Math class together, instead of having to listen to the droning voice of their teacher. Their teacher didn't even notice what her students did. Half the class was dating each other, so they could all just sit in the back of the class room and make out all through class. That made this class one of Nina's favorite classes of the day. Her boyfriend, Brian, was at their usual spot and she sat down in his lap without a seconds thought after she got the door opened. 
"You failed babe," he murmured lovingly into her ear. They had been going out for over four years now, and they were the school's perfect couple. Then again, not everyone in the school could know what went on behind closed doors when Brian wasn't around to stop Nina. 
"I know I did," Nina laughed and gave him a peck on the check. Their teacher didn't even notice them.
"Well we have a serious matter to discuss today in this class," Brian whispered in Nina's ear. She shivered in excitement at the closeness of his body, and the way his touch made her feel. Too bad she had found someone better at it then him.
"And what would that be," Nina smiled teasingly. She leaned away from Brian, pushing her chest into him. Her shirt was too low cut to do that really, and Brian could see her breasts clearly. Arching her back, she ground her hips into him as she sat straddling him. A quiet groan escaped his lips and Nina caught it in her mouth as she crashed her lips onto his. He wouldn't be talking the rest of this class if she had her say about it. She was in control and boy did he know it. His arms went around her, pulling her closer to his body. His hands rested on her hips, causing her to put more force into her grinding against him. It wasn't until someone cleared their throat that they pulled apart, both panting. Nina stopped grinding on him instantly and flipped around in the seat so she was leaning against Brian.
Nina's best friend was watching them with knowing eyes. She knew Nina's secret, and would keep it until the grave took her. It was lucky for Nina that she had her best friend watching out for her, because it seemed that right as Nina and Brian broke apart, the principal walked into the room. 
"Nina," the principal called. "we need to talk now. Get to the hall." Without a backwards look, Nina sauntered out of the classroom. She knew all the guys would be staring at her as she walked off. How could they not, she was wearing the most revealing outfit the school would let her and she was the hottest girl in school.
"What would you like Mr. Principal Gray?" she sweetly asked him. 
"You know what I would like," he growled lowly.
"Well then do tell me what you would like, because I sure don't know what you would like." she replied seductively. Only Nina could get away with trying to seduce the principal, after all, this was her school. She had the run of the school all to herself. 
"I said you know what I want. Now fess up," the principal growled again.
"Well Mr. Principal sir," Nina seductively charmed, "If I could read minds I wouldn't ask so many questions. That being said, you are going to have to tell me what this is about."
"Nina, you have been fucking my son haven't you?" the principal growled out in frustration.
"Now Mr. Principal! That is very inappropriate for you to be asking. But if you must know, of course I have been fucking your son. He has to be the best boy toy in the world. Unless you want to compete with him that is? I am very willing to try new things and I haven't touched your thing yet." Nina took a step closer to Principal Gray, her breasts almost falling out of her shirt from how much she thrust them out. 
"You slut," he hissed at her and walked off. Not feeling like going back to class, Nina walked down to the senior parking lot where Jason Gray would be. 
"Jason," Nina yelled at him as she approached angrily.
"Dang darling, you look hot today," he hooted at her, trying to immediately stick his hands down her shirt when she got close enough to him.
"Stop it!" she snapped. "Your father just confronted me about us. What have you been telling him? Have you forgotten that no one is supposed to know that you are my fuck buddy? How stupid can you be to tell your father, who is my principal!"
Without bothering to answer her, he pulled her head to his and snatched her lips into his mouth. She was silenced and numb at the very moment their lips touched. He definitely had the pants in this relationship, when they even had pants on that is. Because pants and these two didn't normally come together.
"My whore needs to calm down," he murmured against his lips when they broke apart. You ask too many questions."
"As I told your father," Nina sighed back, dazed from the kiss, "If I could read minds I would ask so many questions."
"I like it," he purred and started to nibble on her neck. "But how about we continue this somewhere I can take advantage of you? Ready to leave school yet?"
"Yes, let's get out of here. Your place or mine?" Nina responded immediately excited.
"Mine," Jason commanded and opened the car door they had been leaning against for her. With that they drove away from school.

~*~*~*~To be Continued~*~*~*~*~

Hippos eat people

Well it's hippo day! yeah so hippos are animals. That are grey. They like to swim and they are rather large. In zoos they are given places where they have access to water, to swim in. When I think of hippos I think of the movie Tarzan. Do you remember where Tarzan is dared to go get a elephant hair? He dives into the water and goes really deep. He sees a hippo under water that is swimming and he wags his ears at the hippo. That's what I associate hippos with, the wagging of Tarzan's ears.
Hmmm I think now that we have written everything I can about hippos, I shall get ONE fact from wikipedia about them and then PICTURE TIME. I just can't resist putting cute adorable pictures of hippos up you know. They are so adorable.

Okay I lied...two facts.
   1) Hippos are the 3rd largest land animal :D
   2) The first zoo hippo in modern history was Obaysch who arrived at the London Zoo on May 25, 1850, where he attracted up to 10,000 visitors a day and inspired a popular song, the Hippopotamus Polka.

Another thought! hippos are Dangerous. Apparently. The sign says so you know!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Stab in the Dark

So I was telling you about my suicidal teenage girl story the other here is the summary of it :) and I have decided to call it "A Stab in the Dark"

A depressed teenage girl is on the edge of suicide. She is ready to just leave the world. She once had a friend that ended their own misery, so she knew what it was like to be left behind. So she understands that suicide is an out cry for help. As she is strongly contemplating suicide, she decides that she has to get help. The only problem is there's no one who cares that she can tell. Her ex-friend that she hides from drives past her one day. On that day, she asked herself why he didn't help her? All she needed was someone to talk too. So she ran in front of his car. Now he is in for the long haul. He moved in with her because she was a danger to herself. He had to watch her 24/7. They don't go to the same school and rarely see each other, and now he's trying to find something that's worth living for for her. Will he be able to save her or is it going to be all in vain? She wants to be saved, but is that enough? Is she too far gone already?

Caramel Apples

Well, I think that I need to tell you the history of...THE CARAMEL APPLE :) Since I am eating a delicious green apple covered in caramel and nuts. I remember when I was little and my mom let us make our own caramel apples. We would stick sticks in the center of the apple and then wrap caramel around the apple. Then into the oven the apples went and a little later we had caramel apples :D Though of course we had to let them cool down. Those were some great caramel apples, the ones I have been eating lately aren't as great because they are the generic kind, but I still like them.

So history of the caramel apple time, the first link that popped up was how to make a caramel apple, that thrills me we must look don't you think. Ew they say use red apples, I'm against red apples though so that wouldn't work. Guess I would be using green apples instead XD Here's the link to the website with the caramel apple recipe.
Maybe that is how we made them actually. I guess I don't really think the apples ended up in the oven. I just think of the oven because that's where I always would find the caramel apples after we were done making them. I don't exactly remember everything about making the caramel apples...Next Website....Wikipedia.

They are also called Taffy apples, bet you didn't know that! Oh I see. Taffy apples are the apples that have like nuts or something on them instead of just the caramel. Caramel apples are the caramel apples, with nothing but caramel. So today I ate a Taffy apple that means. :) Homemade caramel results in a softer, creamier coating. That sounds delicious! I wish to eat some homemade caramel now. My older sister and mom use to make caramel all the time for us. Well not all the time, they would make caramel treats for like holidays and such. Hopefully they do that again this year because I love caramel. Tart crisp apples are prefered for use, I understand that. You wouldn't want a soft apple to eat (like the one that I just ate :c)

That's all I have to research about Caramel Apples now. I didn't find any history on wikipedia, but I am getting hungry just thinking about the caramel apples so I must stop researching them. Maybe (probably not though) I will research some more about the caramel apples again later.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Suicidal Teenager Strikes Again

So I am writing this story. Where there is a Suicidal Teenager. The problem with this story is, that I was working on a summary of the story (since I haven't a clue where I want this story to go) and I find that I have already used the named "Maena and Chad". Well I knew that I had already used Maena, but still. Apparently I can't think of any better names. So I must enlist some help from whomever may want to help me. I need some names. There's a suicidal teenage girl in my story. She has been raped, she's an outcast, she is the person everyone looks down on, she's bullied, basically her life is AWFUL. so I need a name for her :)
Then there is the boy that is going to help her. He is popular, charming, a gentlemen, and her ex-friend. He always gets his way and knows how to get under said girls name. Do I have any help with that? Please I could really use some name choices.
When I finish the first chapter I probably will be posting it on here, just to spark your interest of course, because then it will all be on WATTPAD (my favorite website ever).
Speaking of Wattpad, we must talk about one of my favorite stories because, THERE WAS A NEW CHAPTER FOR ME TO READ UP THERE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! So it is called "A Pirate's Kiss" Here's the link to it.... love the romance in this story and the action and it's just really really really good. She sure knows how to write a book. The fact that it was a pirates book is what made me want to read it in the first place, but it turned out it was so much more than just a pirates book. So read it :) there's only 138pages on it so far. :) I didn't realize it was that long, I have been reading it for such a long time that I have to wait for chapters to be put up I don't pay that much attention to how long it is anymore as long as I get my Pirate's Kiss fix :) I'm addicted to it XD I swear I am and I use smiley faces too much. So here is the Summary that Daisy, the author, gives about the story, just in case I haven't been influential enough in you wanting to read this book.

It is Dangerous to deal with Pirates.
Circe's Father has always told her so. So when a mysterious shadowy figure with gold and silver eyes appears on her balcony and attemptes to steal her away the first thing that she wonders is why? Why does her Father pity Pirates? Why does he never talk about her Mother? Why does he never talk to her?
Two years will go by before she finds the answers she is looking for,by then Circe is certain that the Pirate willhave forgotten all about her and the promise he made and sealed, with a stolen kiss.
Unfortunatly there is still one other thing she needs to learn.
A Pirate never forgets.

Adios for now :) I shall talk to you again soon :) :) :)

Karmuela Searlel

One of the many Tarzans, Karmuela Searlel, was mauled to death on the set by a raging elephant!

So I was just looking through my favorite fun facts website and found the fun fact above. So I figured I should find out who this Karmuela Searlel is :) That is what this post is about! The whole who da heck is this person :) 

Oh I say, wiki-answers tells me that that fun fact is a lie. He died of cancer in Feb 14, 1924 apparently. Though there was a death rumor going around where he was SLIGHTLY INJURED during the filming of "Son of Tarzan". I wish to watch this movie now...I have never even heard of it. TARZAN HAS A SON!?!?!? is my one thought right now....Next source...what have they got to say about this!

All the other sources are just fun facts websites telling me he was mauled to death...they won't even tell me who he is! :c

AhhhHA! just use IMDb to find information about actors silly, why didn't you think about that before? I love that I'm writing a blog post as I'm research for it and so I get to write all of my thoughts and problems about my researching :D

Anyways. His really name is Samuel Cooper Searle. He must have changed his name you know XD
So IMDb says that Samuel was born in Hawaii (greatly jealous of him now). He met some Cecil person and went to Hollywood because of Cecil. With the outbreak of WWI he enlisted in the army and was sent to France. Though he was in at least two movies first. He was discharged from the army after getting injured and he may have been injured during the filming of "Son of Tarzan" while he was tied to a stake...carried by an elephant. (am I the only one who thinks this is really weird and I should probably watch the movie in order to understand this) Anyways after this movie he gave up acting and rumors started that he died during the filming of the movie. He became a sculptor and painter, but this career didn't last long because he had cancer. Samuel died at the age of 33 *tear tear* It was in 1924 that he died, which was four years AFTER the filming of "Son of Tarzan" so logically he couldn't have been killed by an elephant during the shooting of that show...DUH.

As much as I trust IMDb, I am very upset that the fun fact didn't use his birth name, I had so much problems finding him because of that! :c Research about him is done now...I'm bored of it :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dorothea Puente

I'm bored, so before I go sleep I am going to write some information that I know about this serial killer that I researched for Criminal Justice. Her name is Dorothea Puente. The first time she killed anyone, she was 53 years old from the knowledge of the internet. She was a very nice lady at first notice. She would take in the disabled elderly who were recieving social security checks as boarders for a low rate. There was delicious meals at breakfast time and supper time, though if you weren't there on time you didn't get fed. And you couldn't enter the kitchen, ever, after breakfast and supper time. So these checks that her boarders were receiving, the boarders weren't allowed to touch the mail. She looked through all of the mail, and took the checks herself. She would forge their signatures and take their money for herself.
Before this all started of course, her parents had died within a year of each other and she was married to Fred. They had two children, but Dorothea gave both of them away. One to some family and one went up for adoption. It was when she had a miscarriage that Fred left her. She lied about his abandoning her. She also ended up in jail multiple times. Once for forging checks, another for owning a brothel, yet another for vagrancy. (sidenote! my classmates didn't know what a brothel was, so I shall tell's a whore house). After getting arrested for all that she went to bars and asked around about older men's benefits. She was charged with 34 counts of forgery from this, since she ended up with their checks somehow.
It was after she got out of prison for that, that she became a serial killer. If any of her boarders complained that they weren't getting their money, she would kill them and bury them in her backyard. She was eventually caught because she killed the wrong boarder and couldn't do a follow-up story like she did with all of the other victims of hers. The police came, saw freshly messed with dirt, and started to dig. She just stood there and look surprised when they found a body.
She was tried for 9 murders, she was only proved guilty by the jury of 3. There isn't a reason why they didn't convict her of all 9 when the bodies, aside from at least one, were in her backyard. She was given life in prison without parole.
Dorothea denied ever killing anyone up to her death this very year. She died of natural causes. The funny fact being she claimed all her victims had died of natural causes. She just buried them without telling anyone, because owning a boarding house was against her parole and she would be thrown back in jail. Federal Officers visited her 15 times in two years to make sure she wasn't breaking parole, and somehow they managed not to notice that she had elderly boarders.
So that is the story about Dorothea :) Hope you enjoy...and you probably will have some nightmares about it now XD


So I suppose this post probably should have gone before the last one, but whatever I don't really care about what order I put them in XD. We are talking about the Thursday that I went to a movie with Naea, who was home from college for the weekend. Thursday was the only day that I would be able to see her as I was going to see my sister for that entire weekend. So I skipped robotics (and got yelled at the next Tuesday which is today for skipping robotics) and went to a movie with Naea. We saw the remake of Footloose. The original is one of my favorite movies, Dirty Dancing up there with it on my list also. Naturally since it was a favorite, I had to see the remake of it.
I'm sure you can tell the difference between these two pictures. Can you tell them apart though? Which one is the original and which is the new version of it?
I will give you a run down of the movie though. There is a town, where it is illegal to dance because three years before this guy came to that town, there was a car accident coming home from a dance. The guy that was driving hit a semi-truck head on, because he was leaning over to kiss the girl in shotgun (smart kid). So the guy that moves to that town, I can't spell his name, he loves to dance. It's the way he lets out his anger and stuff. So he decides to fight the law. In the end he gets his way sorta, he falls in love with the preacher's daughter, and gets the preacher (who's son was the one in the car crash and hell bent on not letting dancing be legal), he gets the preacher to let his daughter go to a dance with him that is held outside of the town limits. The town of Bomont still has a law against dancing. That's really the whole movie, but I love it and it made me want to go dancing after that XD. I love watching movies that aren't like nowadays, where the guys are gentlemen. I wish there were still gentlemen alive today :) that would make my day if there was. I haven't found any gentlemen yet though so I guess I'm outta luck on that matter.

Now for the question I asked earlier, if you hadn't figured it out, the picture on the left is the original and on the right is the new one. :) you should watch them both, just make sure you watch the original first....

I I love you like a love song baby

Working on some of my Pre-Calc...because we had a test today and I didn't know a lot of the problems that were on it DX it wasn't exactly a pretty site. Luckily for me, my teacher lets us work on it the next day if we don't finish I am studying all the problems that I know will be on the test...ain't I a smarty child :) I know that I should probably keep up with my pre-calculus homework from now on though, so I don't have to scramble at the last minute to learn everything for it.

So over the weekend I went to visit my older sister, Abigail, at college.
Actually...on Thursday I went to my little sister's band concert. I got to watch the last part of her part of it (I was late because I went to a movie with Naea...which I will tell about in another post because I have a lot to say about that.). After the concert was over, we went straight to the car. My dad started driving and we didn't stop driving until we were somewhere around Waterloo and hungry. We listened to the Chronicles of Narnia the whole time we were in the car. At Waterloo we stopped quickly at Wendy's, had dinner, and then were back on the road. It was a five hour car drive to our hotel and we arrived at 1 A.M.
On Friday Paul, my mom, and I went college visiting. We visited Buena Vista and Morningside. I made a pros and cons list for Buena Vista, but not  for Morningside. I might have gone to Morningside for a college visit, but I don't plan on going there. It just isn't a place that I think I would fit in at. BVU is on the top of my college choices list. I really like that school. My pros took up the whole column and my cons took up like 3 or 4 lines. There just weren't that many cons for that school that I like so much. I talked to a Social Work professor, and I must say, I really liked her. She has the same dream job as me, pet therapy person. I would love to be a pet therapy person XD. Like those people that take dogs to nursing homes and such, except getting paid for it. Apparently there is a university that has classes for that. It isn't a paying job though, and of course I sorta am going to need money when I get outta college (before that too).
Then on Saturday, after a long and tiring Friday, we went to Abigail's college and hung out there for a while. We went to a cross country meet of hers, and then back to the hotel to dry our shoes. Her cross country meet was in South Dakota, 2 hours from Briar Cliff, which is her school. It was raining there too. I nicknamed one of her cross country team mates, "Speed Demon". He's not really that fast though, and I didn't actually end up meeting him, but whatever.
We watched a volleyball game when we got back to Briar Cliff. The Briar Cliff people lost, and we went back to the hotel with Abigail to go swimming.
The next day (Sunday) we went to church at Briar Cliff, and I actually paid attention to that mass (it wasn't as boring as what it normally is like and I just couldn't unfocus my attention). After church we went to Trinity Heights which is a place some people go to for a pilgrimage. It was pretty kool I guess, except I get bored easily and we stayed there too long for my attention span. Then we went to dinner and said good-bye to my sister. We headed home, another 5 hours in the car listening to the Chronicles of Narnia. We only got to the book, Prince Caspian and didn't even finish that book. Oh well though, I've read all the books so I know what happened XD

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Youtube Amazingings :)

yesh I said amazingings :) because they really are amazing! :) here are some links for you to listen to just to prove what I'm saying!
~Jason Chen~                                       Music Never Sleeps!

Laura Zocca

The Gardiner Sisters

Jeff Hendrick

Corey Gray

Tiffany Alvord

Christina Grimmie                              Well of course I'm not going to leave her out ^.^

These people <.< hahahha

So I'm getting super annoyed with Copyright issues...there's just a huge problem with facebook and them apparently. Cuz all you have to do is tweak the songs to get them past copyright issues normally...and facebook keeps removing my Band Video because of the stupid copyright thingymajig on the songs -.- I'm getting pissed at it. hopefully youtube doesn't hate me that much.....I mean I say I don't own the music anyways so it shouldn't matter.....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Band Family

Well while I wait for it to upload I will tell you a bit about my band family. Everyone in it is amazing. I love them to death. I don't think we could find a more closely linked group if we tried. Last night was our last marching band game of the season. Our last game with our amazing seniors. I'm gonna miss them like crazy next year. Especially Alex :c The only way to describe how I feel about my band through this song! (mostly because I just love this song)
Watching the video might not help you understand haha. Wowoww stuck like glue you and me baby we stuck like glue...that's my band family there :) We can't get away from each other cuz WE STUCK LIKE GLUE :)
Anyways. We pulled off all the drills during our halftime show AMAZINGLY. It was awesome I must say. The crowd went wild for the first time in years after our show. Which just made me so happy. This is the first year with new band teacher and he is doing a great job :P We all have the best time in band and we of course are amazing :)
Our theme song (sorta) is Don't Stop Believing. That's what my brother says at least. Between Lauren, Alex, and me it totally is Bad Romance. That's maybe not our band's theme song though ^.^ just us gurls.

The video of course is taking forever to upload...but it's going to go RIGHT HERE when it does finally upload to youtube :)

Here is my YOU HAVE TO READ THIS story of the day from Wattpad....
It is Dangerous to deal with Pirates.
Circe's Father has always told her so. So when a mysterious shadowy figure with gold and silver eyes appears on her balcony and attemptes to steal her away the first thing that she wonders is why? Why does her Father pity Pirates? Why does he never talk about her Mother? Why does he never talk to her?
Two years will go by before she finds the answers she is looking for,by then Circe is certain that the Pirate willhave forgotten all about her and the promise he made and sealed, with a stolen kiss.
Unfortunatly there is still one other thing she needs to learn.
A Pirate never forgets.

it's one of my favorite stories :) I've been reading it all summer or something...can't wait for the next chapter to come out. It seriously is an amazing story. It's Superb :D

Emotion Terminal

I haven't a clue how to spell terminal :D so hopefully that is right...and I haven't a clue why I put that as the title...just sounded good for what I am about to say :D
I'm currently making a picture video of "Don't Stop Believing" for my Band Family :) since I love them so much. It's going to be an epic picture video, even though I'm sure I'm really bad at them and I have a lot of pictures to go though, but still it shall be good. While I was looking at the video above...I couldn't help but notice I haven't seen all the x-men that is my goal for the next million years (watch all of them) :) Now back to work on my picture video!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Christina Grimmie

Well if you haven't joined Team Grimmie....YOU HAD BETTER GET TO IT :) she's amazing what can I if you haven't heard of her are some of her videos! and she has a website now too....which is....
just in case you were wondering that
So I think you get the picture....this child is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) look at the rest of her songs on youtube if you so wish ^.^

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

PSAT complete

Well I'm glad I got that done. I greatly disliked it, mostly because it was a test. I just don't test well, no matter how well I know the topic. It was just reading shtuff and math though. So that's a plus...I'm an excellent reader if I do say so myself. Though I ain't very good at math, as my grades say.

So it was storytime about Mitch again during Orchestra and this time even during Brit Lit, mostly because I didn't have time to tell my haunted house story. So I told that story and then I was told a story, except the story wasn't completed so we shall be continuing that tmro along with some other stories. I'm thinking we are just going to have to start picking a person at the beginning of the week and seeing if we can go the whole week telling stories about that. It would be great, though telling stories about Mitch has to be one of our favorite topics right now. For me, just because he's super mad at me and super hates me. I'm perty sure that he hates me the most of our story tellers :c which of course makes me sad, but then I did sort of ask for it...Oh well, he will get over it eventually. If he really bugged me enough I probably would end up telling him actually, I'm an awful secret keeper. Then there's the fact that if he really wanted to find out about who else is telling stories he could just go on facebook and creep on everything I do. The people who's walls I post on have gotten some posts that he would understand if he listened to everything I said about the stories ^.^

Now enough bashing Mitch, not that I'm really bashing Mitch...but still :) So I just thought that since I have a blog that I should suggest stories from wattpad for people to read. So from now on, if there's a story that I really liked or someone asks me to post on here, I will be posting it, maybe even with a few comments about it. I will definately put a summary of the story up. The one that I want to share right now is called, Life, Love, and Death Story of a Fallen Angel. So far there is only 5 chapters up on wattpad, but it is a perty good story. it was one of the stories that I first read when I joined wattpad earlier this year. So here's the link to it and the summary that the author, DaCookieNinja, wrote about it. :)

Asherine Cinders spent 3 centuries in Hell, only before that she was an angel. bored of torturing the same people she goes to the human dimension, enrolling in high school. Her boyfriend from Hell, Blaine, follows her and they spend their weeks street racing, fighting, causing mayhem and learning. That all changes when Blaine's twin brother comes. Unlike Blaine, he works for God, or Zeus. Has he been sent to bring her back, or is it something much darker? When she suddenly disappears Blaine expects the worst, especially when Kail doesnt turn up either. He searches for them, and what he finds chills him from the core. What happened to her?

Oh another reason why I chose this story is because I have one of the chapters dedicated to me ^.^ that made me feel special. :) 

Peace out homies ;) I have to go read another story called "The Ultimate Betrayal" that DaCookieNinja and some friends wrote...:) I'm such a dedicated reader..I read anything that comes my way.  

Puppy Scienctist shall rule the world!

I can't resist posting this picture I found on facebook ^.^

I have to take the PSAT less than an hour...I did absolutely no studying :) Just was too lazy to do it. We shall see how it goes. It will probably make me feel dumb as hell, but oh well I need to take PSAT at some point in time.
Today is also a church day...ughhhhhhh. Church class sucks...and my teacher is a sickler. No cell phones in class, no leaning back in chairs (which church is the only place I do that), no being disrespectful, no talking when others are talking, participate. Ugh. doesn't that sound awful? it is when you hate church and would rather be doing the homework you have fallen way behind on again...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random Youtube Video Day? :D

Apparently I'm not allowed to watch Fun Science: Stars by charlieissocoollike....I liked that one...but this is one just as good ya know :P

I haven't even listened to this one...just felt like putting it up :D

yeah that's it ^.^ it made my day? I don't know...i just watched it lolz...

Monday, October 10, 2011


I went and watched my lil brother's 8th grade football game today after I got kicked out of the library. Oh and Mitch decided he doesn't approve of being told that band today was story time about Mitch day...not our fault he doesn't go to our school to stop us from talking about him :P We ended up deciding that he was in the move "John Tucker Must Die" I have never seen that movie...we renamed it to "MS Must Die" (come on do you really think I'm going to put his last name on here where he might find it) I love my band :) :) :) :) Of course now Mitch isn't talking to me anymore :c Guess I shouldn't have told him ^.^ I have such a hard time not saying whatever comes to find when I see people though! here's a random movie trailer for John Tucker Must Die...the music video of Goodbye Earl (love that song and it has the same point as John Tucker Must Die right? lol) and some of my lil bro's football pictures...he's number 3!

Or SD card refuses to be recognized by the computer...Maybe I will put some pictures up later 'o.O
Now I'm off to do my homework before I go to sleep...god am I tired....

"This is closing in 5 minutes"

awww I got on here to write a long and thoughtful post about absolutely nothing and now I'm going to have to get off because the library is closing :c stupid library. I have to wait around until 5 after school and they can't even keep the library open that long. Though from what I have seen of the library there is going to be a meeting in there very soon. I'm not even in the library...just the computer lab off of the library...ANYWAYS really quick...

So our last marching band game is this friday and we want to have a party afterwards. So obviously the thought is we need a sleepover. At my house? hopefully not..but if someone else doesn't step up and take the job it of course will have to be at my house (which I really don't want) It will be an awesome good time though because you know...everyone in marching band is like so frikken kool :) I love my band family....

Now I am going to leave before they actually have a chance to kick me out ^.^ I shall chat again later....except Wattpad has claimed my attention again...AHHHHHHHHHH lolz
I watched this movie last night...called Crazy/ was really kinda stupid but interesting at the same time. I stayed up until midnight watching it. I'm so tired now....It had a druggie whos mum commited suicide while she was in the house when she was 12 and now this girl is a senior in high school and keeps trying to kill herself and then of course she falls in love...the end blah blah blah
I'm getting kicked out D: BAI!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm so kool? I have been listening to nothing but Hero all weekend...I'm a little obsessed with the song right now apparently, since it won't leave my head.
So I am a wuss or something because I really want this one person to stop talking to me, except I don't wanna be mean and just straight out tell them. So I got my brother to tell one of my exfriends to tell his friend to leave me alone...not in nice words....that doesn't make me feel any better...but I don't know how else to do it when I can't say it myself and the only two people that would say it for me would be really mean about having one of his friends say it would be better right? I'm not really's too late to stop it though.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sasha is a hobo with blue eyes and hot pink hair. She stole the dye from this pregnant teenager that just happened to be buying dye for some reason. It would have been bad for the baby with all those chemicals anyways so she was doing the teenager a favor. Protecting a babies life? She thinks yesh :D

God I don't wanna write in third person on this ^.^ my story has ruined meeeeee Sasha has chosen to be a hobo because her parents are so abusive to her. She had been okay for the first couple of months on the streets. Her parents weren't even looking for her, but then she ran out of money and she couldn't get a job. She found signs that were looking for her, it wasn't from her parents of course but still, some one was looking for her and she couldn't be found. One of her friends spotted her one day as she was walking past a DMV though, so she just popped inside to hide from her friends. With her hot pink snarly hair, and brilliant blue eyes she walked into the DMV in her raggedy clothing and no shoes. They didn't want her in there though because she had no shoes on and she obviously had no moneh to give them. They wanted to kick her out...they never got the chance though.
There was a storm or something that trapped them all in the DMV...there was no way to get her out when they all were trapped inside. Crowding far away from her, she sat down in a corner by herself.

Honors Chemistry Test

I have a chemistry test next hour D: I wanna do really good on it so I'm super nervous about the stupid test. This is like the first test that I have ever studied for in my high school attendance hoping for a good grade...Its awful....I'm working on my Canterbury Tales story now ^.^
We are writing our own in my class and I am a Hobo at the DMV. My name is Sasha...I have to do this on thing now where I come up with a character analysis now. What is up with my character and everything like that :D It's going to be so much fun hahaha

People get mad because they can't get on tumblr...I love my blogger ^.^ My tumblr that I nvr use and don't exactly know the password to anymore can suck it!

And awww my friend doesn't want me following her on twitter when I never get on my account *cries*

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Newton's Cannon?

So in Earth Science class RIGHT NOW...we are doing some computer lab that I can't do because I don't have all the information...isn't that the best thing ever? It's awful stuff ya know ^.^  lolz I just bsed the shit outta that equation ^.^ I'm so bored from this lab though because seriously....I'm not interested....have the website though...maybe you will be more interested than I am.
OH! I need to get a current event for today still....yay for me for remembering? :D I'm too lazy to get one though right? there's something about a bombing in Samalia....we have a test in Criminal Justice today though so I doubt that we are actually going to do current events....oh well I found out about the naked baby that's on the cover of some Nirvana CD

I want to try Sushi sometime....and the picture dealio isn't working time?

and no i didn't watch it :D I'll watch it later.....

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rawr :)

Do you think that eventually someone will get the hint that I don't want to hang out with them? I keep coming up with excuses because I feel like its really rude to just say that I don't want to hang out with them, but it doesn't last long before he asks if I want to hang out with him again. I DON'T WANNA HANG OUT WITH HIM! okay? <.< today I broke my comb when I was combing my hair....that just clued me into the fact that I was going to have a bad day.
I forgot to brush my teeth...I almost forgot my clarinet (thank god I didn't)...I had to go to school....I had to eat lunch all alone...I found out I'm going to have a Criminal Justice tmro...I found out I'm going to have two chemistry test this week...
It just hasn't been the best day, so now I have to make it better right? I'm eating popcorn doing my homework and drinking milk out of a snapple bottle. All of which I ended up doing last night (aside from the popcorn).
It appears that yesterday I forgot to write about the SHEEP that we had to put down. It took 4 bullets from our neighbor to finally put it out of her misery. She had been prolapsing, her organs coming out her ass, so we knew that she was going to die very soon. There's no way to cure a prolapsing sheep. I mean they say if you stitch it up just right it will keep her alive for a little bit, but not very long and she would eventually die. We've had a hole dug for her all last week because we knew her time was coming, but this weekend when she still hadn't died we just called our neighbors over to put her out of her misery. The poor thing was in a lot of pain...So they shot her. They have never shot a sheep before so they didn't realize how hard the sheep's head was. It took 4 bullets to figure that out. I hope she's not in any more pain up in the clouds now....That's another thing that we did last night :P

If I was really mean my picture for today would be one of a dead sheep that's been shot....I'm not that mean though....This is a picture of sheep that we don't have :P

 We have suffolk these sheep above...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rawr 17-yr-old dies after stabbing

So I'm finally done with my Brit Lit project so I'm just searching for a current event for tmro :P it's going to be great fun ya know....there's this 17-yr-old that got stabbed at her school and died in Los Angeles.....I'm not overly thrilled with CNN for their report on the incident. They have two different reports saying different things about the stabbing....CNN just became an unreliable source to me....time to go back to using wikipedia I guess.......
Let's see if I can get a honey badger picture before I go to bed now....OR maybe a honey badger video?

Mwhahahahahha Honey Badgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chaucer's Tale again

So I already wrote this whole post out that I wanted to post....and then stupid blogger decided I wasn't going to be allowed to post it....ugggggg I have to rewrite the whole thing now.
Basically I was just talking about how much I really didn't want to work on Canterbury Tales and how I always end up getting on my blog when I don't want to work on it. It's not that I don't understand the project that we are doing on Canterbury Tales, I understand that. I just don't understand the questions that we have to answer for our project is all. For example....
What is Chaucer satirizing about this character. Often it is very general satire and Chaucer the poet sometimes has a different opinion of the character than the more naive narrator who is also named Chaucer. Cite specific lines that support your opinion.
Another one is....
Explain what your tale reveals about 14th century English society. You can consider customs, laws, superstitions, occupations, geography, etc.

So that's what I'm working on tonight even though I don't want to....that stupid project and at some point in time VERY soon I have to get around to reading the Jungle Book for this class. I don't really have the time to read it which is a huge problem :P
Today was family "whack-a-mole" day....we washed and waxed cars....I'm not exactly sure why I keep wanting to call it whack-a-mole day...I just really want to. Today I also skipped church in order to go watch some water polo. It was great fun, I wish I could live at a pool like that. It was Olympic size and I was completely in love with it almost instantly. That rec center in Iowa City that I went to was AMAZING. That's how the day went down anyways.....
Oh and my dog decided to attack a preying mantis....

Wow my partner for my brit lit project forgot about our project and doesn't even know what we are supposed to be I allowed to be mad at my best friend for this? x.x I don't want to have to do all the work on my own!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Busy Bee?

Well I'm still up tonight after having a super fun night of marching band and watching my school's football team lose the game as always. I was reading a story tonight that has had me up all night wanting to know what's going on in it. I have to get up at 10am this morning, so I won't be getting enough sleep tonight, but I guess I should be getting some. Later today (10amish) I am going to a pumpkin farm and helping pick pumpkins because they all need to get picked :P Doesn't that sound exciting? I am going to greatly enjoy it with all my heart I tell ya....ALL OF IT...not really it's just something we have to do for 4-h and it gives me volunteer hours that I need. Though I think I have enough volunteer hours for the rest of the school year, but it doesn't matter I will still do it.
I haven't have time to do anything lately, but reading a story tonight has been very therapeutic. Words can't describe how I feel after I'm done reading a book. There's nothing in the world that could possible be better than it. Finding time to read is what keeps me sane. When I don't find the time, I don't stay sane. My sanity has been on edge since school started. I have so much to much to do it is overwelming so being able to finally sit back and read and watch tv has been amazing.

I had a spanish test today where there was a talking part. I don't think I did very well on it....sigh....