Monday, October 10, 2011

"This is closing in 5 minutes"

awww I got on here to write a long and thoughtful post about absolutely nothing and now I'm going to have to get off because the library is closing :c stupid library. I have to wait around until 5 after school and they can't even keep the library open that long. Though from what I have seen of the library there is going to be a meeting in there very soon. I'm not even in the library...just the computer lab off of the library...ANYWAYS really quick...

So our last marching band game is this friday and we want to have a party afterwards. So obviously the thought is we need a sleepover. At my house? hopefully not..but if someone else doesn't step up and take the job it of course will have to be at my house (which I really don't want) It will be an awesome good time though because you know...everyone in marching band is like so frikken kool :) I love my band family....

Now I am going to leave before they actually have a chance to kick me out ^.^ I shall chat again later....except Wattpad has claimed my attention again...AHHHHHHHHHH lolz
I watched this movie last night...called Crazy/ was really kinda stupid but interesting at the same time. I stayed up until midnight watching it. I'm so tired now....It had a druggie whos mum commited suicide while she was in the house when she was 12 and now this girl is a senior in high school and keeps trying to kill herself and then of course she falls in love...the end blah blah blah
I'm getting kicked out D: BAI!

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