Monday, October 31, 2011

Life sucks...better start sucking it up

I need to complain. It's a Monday and it has been proven that people complain more one Mondays, and that's exactly what I need to do right now. Complain and vent....

So today in Orchestra, Kenzie decided that she was going to point out that I suck at cello. Which is only because she has had private lessons and I haven't. She thinks that she should be where I sit since she is better than me, but it's seniority rules. She just keeps getting on my nerves. She's an awful stand partner and she just makes me feel like shit. How would you like to be told everyday that you suck? -.-
Then there's the whole band thing also, I'm third Clarinet (though if we had actually gone by chair auditions I would be first chair) and Lauren decided she is so much better than me because she's 2nd clarinet. She is another one of those people that just plain make me feel like shit. She keeps trying to boss me around. For some reason she feels like she has to point out everyday that I have horrible posture and I need to sit with my feet on the floor. I sit cross-legged in Band because it gives me better posture than if I sat with my feet on the floor. With my feet on the floor I always sit slouched really low. She told me I sound like crap. That is when she can hear me at all...Not my fault I don't play that loud. You try playing loud when you know you are going to get picked on if you mess up. It just makes you mess up more worrying about messing up too, so of course I always mess up. I don't understand why people have to make me feel awful because of my instrument playing skills. At least when I play piano people don't make fun of me for that. Then again, I don't normally play piano at school where others who aren't my family will here, because I know they will start making fun of me for it.

Okay...ranting over...guess what!!!!!!!! It's the last couple of hours of Halloween....Happy Halloween everyone and NANOWRIMO starts in.....FIVE HOURS....ahh I'm so excited. A Stab in the Dark shall be written this next month of November and will give me an outlet for all my depressing thoughts that I have. I guess I should get onto finding names for my people now...

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