Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So I suppose this post probably should have gone before the last one, but whatever I don't really care about what order I put them in XD. We are talking about the Thursday that I went to a movie with Naea, who was home from college for the weekend. Thursday was the only day that I would be able to see her as I was going to see my sister for that entire weekend. So I skipped robotics (and got yelled at the next Tuesday which is today for skipping robotics) and went to a movie with Naea. We saw the remake of Footloose. The original is one of my favorite movies, Dirty Dancing up there with it on my list also. Naturally since it was a favorite, I had to see the remake of it.
I'm sure you can tell the difference between these two pictures. Can you tell them apart though? Which one is the original and which is the new version of it?
I will give you a run down of the movie though. There is a town, where it is illegal to dance because three years before this guy came to that town, there was a car accident coming home from a dance. The guy that was driving hit a semi-truck head on, because he was leaning over to kiss the girl in shotgun (smart kid). So the guy that moves to that town, I can't spell his name, he loves to dance. It's the way he lets out his anger and stuff. So he decides to fight the law. In the end he gets his way sorta, he falls in love with the preacher's daughter, and gets the preacher (who's son was the one in the car crash and hell bent on not letting dancing be legal), he gets the preacher to let his daughter go to a dance with him that is held outside of the town limits. The town of Bomont still has a law against dancing. That's really the whole movie, but I love it and it made me want to go dancing after that XD. I love watching movies that aren't like nowadays, where the guys are gentlemen. I wish there were still gentlemen alive today :) that would make my day if there was. I haven't found any gentlemen yet though so I guess I'm outta luck on that matter.

Now for the question I asked earlier, if you hadn't figured it out, the picture on the left is the original and on the right is the new one. :) you should watch them both, just make sure you watch the original first....

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