Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sasha is a hobo with blue eyes and hot pink hair. She stole the dye from this pregnant teenager that just happened to be buying dye for some reason. It would have been bad for the baby with all those chemicals anyways so she was doing the teenager a favor. Protecting a babies life? She thinks yesh :D

God I don't wanna write in third person on this ^.^ my story has ruined meeeeee Sasha has chosen to be a hobo because her parents are so abusive to her. She had been okay for the first couple of months on the streets. Her parents weren't even looking for her, but then she ran out of money and she couldn't get a job. She found signs that were looking for her, it wasn't from her parents of course but still, some one was looking for her and she couldn't be found. One of her friends spotted her one day as she was walking past a DMV though, so she just popped inside to hide from her friends. With her hot pink snarly hair, and brilliant blue eyes she walked into the DMV in her raggedy clothing and no shoes. They didn't want her in there though because she had no shoes on and she obviously had no moneh to give them. They wanted to kick her out...they never got the chance though.
There was a storm or something that trapped them all in the DMV...there was no way to get her out when they all were trapped inside. Crowding far away from her, she sat down in a corner by herself.

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