Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Church Church Church

Yea today was day....sat in class (after being late) txting the whole time and not listening. I'm sorry but I just don't believe in the idea of church. I mean...if God loves us so much why do we have to go to church and learn about him and such? He wants us to do good in the world so going to church isn't going to help us get that done. The world is falling to pieces around us and yet I'm still expected to go to church just to learn about what they did way back when (which is just a collection of random stories that aren't nessisarily true) instead of going out and HELPING the community. I would be okay if every Wednesday we did a community service project...but I ain't okay with the whole learning thing. I did that when I was little...I know enough to know that we are supposed to do good stuff in the world, that's all I need to know because I live on the need to know basis. That's what I think about Sunday Mass's a waste of time. We could be doing a community service project while we are doing all this praying or something. I mean...yea we take donations for the poor and all, but we could be doing so much more if we went OUT and got it done. There's so much stuff that we could do, but instead we have to sit around in a church and "listen" (I actually am day dreaming the whole time) about all this God stuff. If God really wanted us to know something he can just put it in our heads....that's what they taught me at least....God gives you answers you seek when you ask and tells you random stuff all the time. So church in general is an unneeded building that we should just use to house homeless people or something. That's what they did with monastaries and stuff ain't it? They would let people stay at their monastary, though I guess they did make them pay. What if everything in this world was free? everything divided equally with the people that wanted it? We wouldn't have so many problems if that was true. In fact there wouldn't be any homeless people. But people are selfish, I'm not going to admit that I'm not selfish, but I try not to just gets the best of me sometimes. Like Thomas Hobbes said during the Enlightenment, "People are born naturally wicked." So shouldn't we be trying to prove him wrong? Shouldn't we be trying to help others as much as possible? We got the government that he said was wrong and would lead us to our distruction...well guess what...he is right. We are heading towards doom and if we don't look back and start helping the needy soon then there won't be a USA anymore...or any other country. It'll just be a big hole in the world where the earth was bombed by someone.

Okay...Done with my random rant :)

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