Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Oh gosh I feel really sick today. I had to eat lunch because my friends are getting on me about it and then the rest of the day I felt like I was going to puke it back up....and then when I got home my mum made me eat something for dinner (a whole can of refried beans) and I feel really sick again. I mean I understand that I need to eat something before taking my vitamins but I don't think that I needed to eat that much >:\
Next week is spring break and my mum isn't going to be home much....after Tuesday of it I can not eat all I want because I won't be doing anything...I will be continueing to exercise though. Which I found a pro-ana website that gave me some exercises that work pretty good. I shall get you that website later....I can't currently pull it up. And then of course theres this workout video with hiphop...that I did in EB PE this morning....great stuff :P
Now I shall go do some random workout until I drop so that I get all these calories that I gained 2day off of me! I must burn calories


  1. I'd love to see the website if you can find it again? :)


    tips :)


    another website with tips....can't find the exercising one...I don't know where it could have gone :\
