Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Price Tag

So I'm getting a new roommate for the next four months. Last night I had a complete breakdown and then again this morning. My sister has told me that I have no purpose in life and that I should go kill myself. Now I will be living with my little sister instead of my older sister. I'm kind of GREATLY glad about that. One of these days if my older sister didn't stop with her bitching I probably will be following what she says. I mean I kind of have to agree with her....I DON'T have a purpose in life, whatever though. I have to live with life so I just try to block her our. I suck at it I will tell you that though.
So in English I am writing an essay on the innocence of growing up and what that has to do with To Kill A MockingBird. and of course I had to urban dictionary the word!
adj, n, o so adorable. couldn't ever do anything wrong, big eyes that prove they're not guilty of anything. Looks as if they couldn't do a lot of things. but really, they're the best at some ;)
1.not having done sth. wrong
2.having little experience of the world, expecially of sexual matters, evil or unpleasant things.

Looks sweet and cute , and with those eyes could do no wrong! .... Always tries to be bad but is just to goooooooooood , hehehe! .... The only thing missing is the Halo above them!

Completely unaware. Usually found in infants to very young children.
perfectly sweet; never committing any crimes or breaking rules; never gets in trouble because doesn't do anything wrong; above suspicion, angelic, chaste, clean, cleanhanded, clear, crimeless, exemplary, faultless, free of, guilt-free, guiltless, honest, immaculate, impeccable, impeccant, inculpable, irreproachable, lawful, legal, legitimate, licit, not guilty, pristine, pure, righteous, safe, spotless, stainless, unblemished, uncensurable, uncorrupt, unguilty, unimpeachable, uninvolved, unoffending, unsullied, untainted, upright, virgin, virginal, virtuous 
 I Know that is a lot of definitions. but Hey I can't help myself. Now I have to go help my little sister clean her room so she can get moved in with me as fast as possible. TTFN <3
Teheehee I call being the old lady gnome! :) <3

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