Monday, April 11, 2011

For the King's Favor

Oh so well...For the King's Favor is in my book list witch I'm putting up on my fb account :P It's a really long list but I must say that I am greatly enjoying using BookTracker....I like the fact that I used Witch which isn't of which :P oh well...let's just let me fail for a bit. So today one of my friends suggested that I make a book of my pictures that I color in Algaybra 2 because I gots ta make a new one EVERY day...Helps me concentrate. I get off track VERY VERY easily.
So I was stumbling (which i seem to do a lot of these days) and anyways I came across this link and as I'm telling you this I'm watching the weirdest strangest YouTube video...which I feel that I must now share with you! that I've got that out of the way....We shall talk about what I was actually going to write about. So there's this problem with me cleaning my room. I always get yelled at because I share a room with my sister and she doesn't want me to touch her stuff. I'm only trying to be nice cause she always seems to be busy so I just clean her side to. But I got annoyed with getting yelled at so I decided that I would JUST clean my side of the room. She gets pissed anyways. So I put duck-tape down on the floor so she knows where my half is...though it isn't split evenly. Her half is actually bigger than mine, I'm not complaining though. She has a lot more stuff than me anyways (Plus this is her last summer in my room...SENIOR YEAR!) Then I get the room to myself *thrilled about*.
So I'm not really a techy person, but I want to start like posting videos on YouTube....cause I want to know if I'm any good at singing and it seems the best/meanest critics are on youtube. I don't exactly have anything to do but sing. So I'm looking for advice on that. Should I try playing the piano or cello while singing even though it doesn't sound very good or what? I have never taken singing lessons or been in choir or w/e. So I know zilch about singing :) I just know that it makes me feel better when everything is going wrong. So anyone have advice for me? :) Should I just go for it or what? Oh and I don't exactly have a camera...I have a webcam and than for a mic I would be using the RockBand mic we have :P Yes I'm very untechy....anyways I'm getting yelled at to go to bed so I shall get back to you later.
Yoga+a Mildred=Mildred giggling the whole time+people getting mad at Mildred
I don't think I'll be doing Yoga again and I keep wanting to call it Yowa :P lolz we did it today in Early Bird PE.
~Hugs and kisses~ *pointz up* like that! :) <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh and ofc...I go stumbling and a New link!
