Friday, April 22, 2011

Random Quizzes >:P

okay maybe I does have time to be on the internet b4 my parents find out >:P I could do random quizzes all day by the way....It's just something that I can ALWAYS do :) they don't exactly cheer me up much but I still love to see what some1 thinks about me :)

Your in-depth results are:
Hufflepuff - 17
Ravenclaw - 13
Gryffindor - 11
Slytherin - 6
 What lies behind your eyes?

Down to Earth

result image You know what you want. You are a very nice person. Your most confortable outside, and with people who are honest and trustworthy. You probablly have contemplated doing bad things, but you will always stay true to your roots, feelings, love, and friends. You will have an amazing life.
 Can I be a Dino? Hell 2 the yes I can :D


just like me my dino friend, we are just to awesome for the world to handle and thats why we have to keep our dinosaur-ness a little bit of the secret. wouldnt want the government running tests, ya know? ;D
 What kind of place are you?

You're a deep sea!

result image Just like the sea you're unpredictable and mysterious. You are sensitive and caring and take life seriously. Kind of a sad and melancholic you don't seek intimacy however when you find your soul mate you're loyal and loving.Usually a calm person but when someone crosses the line you can break him into pieces.
How high is your self-esteem?

You've got low self-esteem. You're not proud of who you are..

result image Maybe right now you don't see everything that you wish you did in the mirror. But I believe that you are beautiful, everyone is, and you've got to forget how others look and/or what they say. The only thing that matters is what YOU think of yourself.
Are you a drama Queen?

You're Sorta Dramatic

You definitely enjoy a little bit of drama every once in a while. You’re not addicted — but it can be really easy to get sucked in. Try to think clearly in all situations, and remember how drama has upset you in the past. If you take control now, you can save yourself from becoming a drama queen later! What kind of Word do you belong in?

You belong where ever your heart takes you!

You have a strong heart... It's best to follow your dreams. Go where ever you wish, and dont let anyone stop you. If you dream enough, and hope enough, you'll get there! I promise. What kind of Bear are you?

Giant Panda Bear

Even if you may yourself circulated by danger, you're very cuddly, and love to eat many different foods and try different things. You're pretty unique in your own ways than anyone else.
What Disney Princess are you?

You are the pretty and smart Belle!

You are Belle, the pretty and smart Disney girl. You're intelligent and clever and don't really like to fool around much and would not like dumb things! You love your family and friends and look deep inside a person's heart to understand him/her.    *I disagree I wanna be Ariel!*
 What does your smile say about you?

Normal Smile

Your smile shows that you are an average person.You have no deformations, and you are of average intelligence. Study harder for a test and live your life a little more unusual.       *I think it says that I take 2 many quizzes >:P*
 What Song are you?

The In Crowd by Mitchel Musso

You are judged, indifferent, and you don't care what people think of you. *hasn't heard this song*
 What Egyptian God are you?

Nut                *I'm NUT!!!!!!!!!! YESH*

result image The sky is Nut's body, arching from horizon to horizon.             *WHO IS NUT?!?!?!!?* lolz

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