Sunday, April 17, 2011

Karma is a generous woman Quote #5

Karma is a generous woman
until her balance is upset,
then you will find out why
people say she's a bitch.
"Hey! you there!" Nemo yelled as he swam towards the turtle. "I want to go with you to school immediately!"
"Okay, okay, I will take you there get on," Karma the turtle replied. "Don't push anyone off like last time though."
Karma swam off with Nemo riding her wave and she quickly headed towards the school. She remembered back to the time that Nemo had gone and killed one of her children by daring them to go poke a shark. She wasn't yet over it, but she did have to make money to feed her other babies so here she was shuttling around fishbabies again. Nemo was the worst, but his parents paid big food to have him shuttled WHEREever WHENever he wanted to go somewhere. He sometimes would call in the middle of the evening demanding a ride. It drove Karma insane, because that was her time with her children. The ones that she loved and yet Nemo could interrupt. Nemo's parents were the big fish in the corral reef that Karma lived in and if she didn't do as they paid her to do in the exact way they wanted, they could see to it that she was never able to get work again anywhere. 
So when Nemo demanded a ride to school, she jumped at it. Unlike what most parents thought when they send their babies to school, the schools was dangerous. It was one the most dangerous part of the corral reef and no one but the students and teacher dared to go there. It was hard to find a new teacher every few months because so many of the fishes valued their lives. The students thought it was fun though, which is why the parents didn't know how dangerous it was. As children themselves they found excitment in it and just couldn't imagine it being dangerous. That's why when Karma took Nemo there, she had no problem with it because his parents would let him go there. 
Karma the turtle swam as fast as she could there. If she got there before most of the students got there with their teacher, than she could do what she had planned. She got there with barely 5 minutes and convinced Nemo that she didn't feel comfortable leaving him there alone since it was a dangerous place. He laughed in her face and swam to the playground. With an evil grin, Karma swooped down, she bit part of his fin and he screamed in pain. "Hey!" Nemo skreeched at her. Karma laughed dangerously and then swam off to get back to work. She knew what the blood from him would attract and she didn't want to be there when it got there. 
Nemo was too much of a snob to really know how to live in the corral reef. So it was no surprise that after the initial shock of getting bit, Nemo decided to keep playing and tell his teacher when he got there. As Karma swam hurriedly away, the very same shark that had eaten her child swooped in and Karma swam into a fishies home giving the alert that there was a shark. Then she made a show of sadness and worriedness because she had just dropped Nemo off. 
Once the shark had gone, everyone raced out to the playground, all that was left of Nemo was a cloud of blood in the water. Karma smiled happily and then acted distressed as she swam home. At home she told her family happily that their enemy had been taken care of and they all rejoiced. From that moment on Karma went about fixing everyone's problems. If someone did something bad, then something bad would happen to that someone as revenge. She wasn't so stealthy about it anymore once her children had all moved out. She didn't feel like it mattered if she was caught anymore because her children were safe from experiencing problems from her. When she died of old age, one of her children took on being Karma, calling herself that and everything. The phrase
Karma is a generous woman
until her balance is upset,
then you will find out why
people say she's a bitch. 

came from the first Karma killing Nemo, but was just intensified by all the Karma's that came after her.

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