Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Break

Today is the first day of summer break. On the 10th I am headed to Oregon with my aunt. I definitely plan on putting pictures up from that trip so don't worry about not getting pictures of it. You definitely will be seeing some pictures of it. So far summer break is rather boring. My dog woke me up at the time I usually wake up at when I really wanted to sleep in. Oh well, I guess I won't be sleeping in. My proof copy of my story is in the mail I am told by this random email that the website sent me and told me of this :P It's supposed to be here around the 9th. So around the time that I am leaving it should arrive. Hopefully it arrives before I leave, but if it doesn't oh well. I can deal with that also.
I currently can't decide which book idea I want to work on. The Dog Match one or The Child Snatchers one. I really like my child snatchers idea, but I started writing my dog match idea outline and summary and stuff before my child snatchers. If I do end up working on my child snatcher story I still have to write up the characters info in my bubble outline format. I found that they are really helpful. I've gone back to writing my quotes stories now and hopefully I can get to blogging everyday now that school is out. Or closer to it than just ones or twice a month like last month (okay I know it was more than that, but barely). I have all the time in the world now to do whatever I want to do because it's SUMMER BREAK. Yes, I'm going to keep saying that because I am thrilled to be out of school.
So the quote #6 story that I wrote, I used the names that are in my other stories, like Jace, Xakery (Zachery), Maena, and Yazoo. They all have a part in my two newest story ideas actually. Jace and Maena are from the dog match, though I have used Maena is FBI KittyCats story, and then Xakery and Yazoo are brothers in the child snatchers one. So I guess I'm just being uncreative with names or something. I don't know, I just didn't feel like thinking up new names or something like that.
It's almost time for lunch, and I have to make lunch for my siblings. I read somewhere (don't remember where) that small snacks instead of lunch breakfast and dinner are the way to go if you don't want to get fat. Because small snacks, you are eating every couple of hours, and just enough to get you to your next snack point, oh and you aren't eating super huge meals :P I'm going to go make some lunch for my siblings
Cute picture that moves :D yay for kissing parakeets. I like that color of parakeet. Of course if you actually want to see the parakeets kiss you have to click on them :\ but still they actually move :D I get amused way to easily....

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