Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Death Penalty

So today in my Political Science class, the death penalty came up. Basically we were talking about how dumb it is that we have the death penalty when it is a CRUEL and unusual punishment. It is clearly stated in the Bill of Rights, amendment number 8, that people have the right to NOT be given cruel and unusual punishment by the government. So the government putting people to death, that is breaking the constitution.
Why would you give the power of deciding who gets to live and who gets to die to the government? That is too much power over us really.
Also, the fact that sometimes the people that aren't guilty are PUT TO DEATH. You can be 100% certain that a person is guilty of murder, but then a few years later you can find out that oh they weren't guilty because some other evidence comes up. Forensics is also a field that is evolving, so they can have better equipment later on that might prove that person innocent. Would you really want to tell a family "oh we killed your son/daughter for a crime that he/she didn't actually commit. We are terribly sorry for that." Would you really want that to happen? BECAUSE IT CAN HAPPEN! In fact, it probably has happen before.
Death is permanent. You can't reverse it. No one on this earth should have a say in if someone should live. NO ONE.
Some people might say that you should have equal punishment for their crimes. Does that mean that you are going to rape a rapist? Are you going to run over a driver for an accidental hitting of a person?
No one should have to power to take away someone's right to breath. That is one of those rights that should never be taken away from anyone. Would you want someone to decide that you can't breath anymore? I didn't think so. Now think of how the people that are killed because of a crime that they may or may not have committed.
Which brings me to another point. MURDER IS MURDER. THE DEATH PENALTY IS MURDER. Just in case you didn't know is murder. You are killing someone with the death penalty. If you support the death penalty, think about it that way. You are a murderer. You might not be the one that is doing the killing, but you are someone that enables it to happen!

I saw a post on Facebook yesterday that was just disgusting. I have no faith in humanity anymore because it. People want to kill people (with the death penalty of course) because of drunk driving. I mean, I agree that drunk driving should be stopped, BUT NOT LIKE THAT.

The death penalty needs to be eliminated, because it goes against the Bill of Rights. It should not be allowed to exist. It is just like murdering someone right off the streets!

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