Sunday, September 9, 2012

My World Literature Paper

"Okay, so like there is a story, about this guy named Gilgamesh. Isn’t that a great name? I would definitely not name my child Gilgamesh, he would get made fun of for it so much. Anyway like as I was saying, Gilgamesh makes a friend! Isn’t that just great. I was super siked to find out that he had a friend. Actually I wasn’t siked, I thought the story was like the most dumbest story I have ever read! It was so dumb. Like “Let’s all go kill people now!”

Then again, in like the story of Samson (oh yeah another kool guy’s name), he goes around just killing people whenever he feels like it. I wouldn’t name my child Samson either....he would get teased for his hairbrush... NO HAIR FOR MY HAIRBRUSH. So yeah, he would also have to be a bald child if I were to name a child Samson, just so he doesn’t become like sure powerful. I couldn’t have that happening.

So like the events of Gilgamesh and Samson, some of them are the same! :D Actually a lot of them are really different. There’s like prostitutes in both of them, but like there is like no like temple that the like prostitutes are coming from in Samson. In Gilgamesh all dose prostitutes came from a temple that they were all “YEAH WE HOES!” That’s legit what happens in the temple. They would just sit around waiting for Gilgamesh or someone to show up and then they would be all “REJOICE AND BE GLAD WE GET TO BE LAID”

We are like learning how to do internal cites, doesn’t that sound like so much fun! That’s why I’m doing like a paper on Gilgamesh and Samson, actually no that’s a lie. I don’t agree with that! I advise against writing papers at all. So even though there should be more like information and such written in here.... DONT WRITE A PAPER. It will probably get you dead. Like legit get you dead! That’s why I am so against writing papers, I suddenly value my life :D

So now that we have that all figured out, I would like to point out that Gilgamesh has a flood story and Samson does not! Also like Samson gets dead from telling his prostitute like how to kill him. Actually no, he like ends up getting dead because he like kills himself with like pillars of fire. Except there is like no fire, so it just isn’t as like kool! (Internal Cite)

Oh like I forgot to mention that Gilgamesh like um got his um bestest best friend in like the whole world killed. Oh and like his bestest best um friend in like the whole world was like named Inkidu. He was a goat. Like think of that like movie called um yeah....Oh! It’s called The Lion The Witch and um The Wardrobe! You know the goat human? Well Inkidu was basically like him. Except for the fact that like he um less awesauce than you may think a goat guy would be. Would you like to know like um that the goat guy, Inkidu, he is actually a human who needs to um shave! So just remember that if you ever write a paper about him (papers will get you dead). Um yeah! So like that concludes this AWESOME PAPER BY MILDRED!

join in next time to read about THE PRINCE who um like VISITED THE TEMPLE."

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