Monday, June 25, 2012

Widgets+ Harry Potter

So I may have gone a little widget happy, because guess what! I learned how to add them >:} I was just a tad bit thrilled on the discovery and couldn't decide on which one was better. I added them both instead. They are both just promoting my Wattpad. Now it is easier to get there without having to find a link on a post, if you so desire.Well the one of the right has all of my stories in it too so you can just choose a story that sounds oh so kool to read. You can see how many votes, comments, and reads each story has as well. Oh and it shows how many parts I have on the story. I think that widget is pretty cool, though my favorite just says how many votes and fans I have. That widget is on the left. I'm currently trying to get more reads on my stories so feel free to go read them. I would be greatly glad for some feedback on my stories too, because I am editing and need some help with deciding which is best. :}

So my friends came over unexpectedly today. I had just woken up and went upstairs to get food and just found them in my house. My brother had gone into "town" today and gotten his friends to go on a bike ride to our house and his friends got my friends to come along. No one told me they were coming over so I wasn't even "dressed" or showered. By dressed I mean what I would wear around anyone other than my own family, I mean my clothes completely clashed. Pink and orange XD I'm trying to get enough red clothes to do my reds for laundry since my sister needs her pink shirt back and I have to wash it first.
Anyway so my friends then left again to go on a bike ride so I started watching Harry Potter. I am currently on a Harry Potter Marathon in Spanish. I am getting ready for my Spanish trip you see ^.^ Well I am only partially paying attention, because I don't like the way the mouths don't line up with the words. Since I'm not completely paying attention though, my attention completely wanders. Before I knew it the first movie was over and I don't even remember when it was finished. I am rewatching it ^.^

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