Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fair Day 2

Well today. I woke up at about 6:40. We had to leave the house by 7, so I got ready and all that jazz then went upstairs and helped load sheep and load dog and all that jazz. I didn't have to touch the lambs once when we were loading up >:} That's how talented I am with my helping skills. I just had to act all big and macho so they wouldn't try and get past me to the other carrel we had in the barn for them. Then we had a "fight" (it was more of a short argument that I knew I couldn't win) over who had to be in the car that Pau was driving. After the argument was over we left and went to the fairgrounds. We were already sweating by the time we left and my car (Sable) didn't really have a/c in it. I mean it doesn't get cold but it works? So we got to the fairgrounds and parked. We had to wait for the rest of our modly crew to show up, but then we got busy for awhile.
We unloaded sheep (me helping more than I wanted to). I was glad that Bryce showed up and helped us with the sheep >:} I had to touch the lambs still, but not much. After the sheep were unloaded my mum and me went on an adventure to Wal-mart! Yay! So we had a list of stuff to buy you so, so we went through the store at a fast pace because we couldn't be gone long. Once we got all stocked up on junk food and drinks. We had to swing over to Dollar General and get a collar for my little sister because she lost her choke chain. I mean seriously, how easy is it to do that when you never use it and its always in the bag? <.< She lost it though and we had to get her a new one. My dog's choke chain would have worked just fine on her dogs because we got the same size! It was way to big for Reuben....
After we got back we did a bunch of other stuff...I don't really remember what. We washed the sheep at some point. I had to tie all the sheep up because my brothers don't know how to tie up sheep. Can you believe that? They don't know how to do the quick release knot that everyone should know how to do when they deal with animals. At one point a sheep stepped on my foot (I was wearing flip flops) and then it twisted its foot while still stepping on me. It really hurt and I now have a mark from it. I didn't know if I would get a mark or not because it was so dirty at the time so I couldn't tell. I just took a shower :} Hallelujah!
Once the sheep were washed we ate food and then I went and worked the youth council food booth for a bit. It was actually pretty fun and I actually talked to people there...It was strange because I don't normally talk to people while I'm there. Last year I just sat awkwardly there until I was needed. Tomorrow I'm the day supervisor of the booth, whatever that means.
So after I put in my 3.5 hours of working there, we got to go home!
Yet another day of fair survived. Only four more to survive. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be there almost every day this year too. Which is strange because I normally only go on the dog show day, and then the check-in days because I don't normally have anything to do at fair. Not that I have anything better to do at home.

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