Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do you luv so and so?

I think there is something wrong with me. People don't understand me...and of course I don't understand that so when I just start talking and talking and talking and talking I don't understand why people get pissed off at me. for example...I was asking my friends if they luved so and so....I meant it as a joke and I didn't even spell Love right so I wasn't actually being serious....but now a whole bunch of people are mad at me! and I would like to say that YES I knew that some of them had girlfriends....I was asking for the hell of it. Oh and then of course when I said that they hated so and so....they really really really got pissed off. I just don't understand it. I must not be human or something because I don't understand how people think or how I'm supposed to act around people. I'm just trying to be my goddamn self and people just get so frikken pissed off at me for being myself. I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand.
Then again I don't understand like ANYTHING that happens around me or that I do or anything of the sort. Like how I don't understand how this computer works or how the mail system works or anything like that. And I really don't get why every time I think about a knife or gun or watch a tv show that is a full out "let's shoot this person" show that I can feel it....in my head...or where ever the knife/gun goes.....it's horrible you know....just horrible...
I think I really am going insane or something. Or at least that's what I think. I also think that people really hate me because I don't get why they are so mad at me right now. I thought that everyone who was my friend would understand that I was joking....I don't understand why it didn't seem like I was joking because I thought it was so clear...... :c I'm so wishing I was on my medicine right now but I'm scared to go back on them...is that sad? That I'm scared to go back on my anti-depression medicine? I never even told anyone I wasn't taking it....

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