Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater/ Love Sick

Once upon a time, there was a boring show playing while all the girl wanted to do was lay her head of bright purple hair down on the desk and sleep.She did end up dozing off and she began to dream.
In her dream she was upset, her cousin wanted her to go to a movie with him and his friends instead of pouting around the house. That wasn't what upset her though. One of his friends used to have her trust and heart, but not he didn't. He was the driver of this trip to the movies. The cousin apologized over and over as the girl said she would just meet them at the movie theatre.
The boy who broke her jumped out of his car as she walked away to get her keys. He grabbed a hold of her arm, forcing her to look at him. She struggled to get away, but he wouldn't let go of her. The girl's cousin and other friend tried to come to her aid, but the boy ordered them to get in the backseat of his car.
The girl's cousin and the other friend didn't even realize that the girl knew the boy who broke her. They didn't realize they knew each other, so this was very confusing to them. It didn't help that the girl just kept denying that the boy who broke her wasn't a stranger.
"You can either drive us all in your car or let me drive. I'm not letting you go on your own because of me. Frankly I would prefer to drive since I have better speakers and music choices."
"I can't be in a car with a stranger driving. I was told not to talk to strangers too." With that the girl shut her mouth and refused to talk to him again. He sighed in frustration and took a step closer to the girl.
"If I knew you were going to be coming along, I wouldn't have agreed to come. All he told me was that your cousin was coming and needed to be picked up. I don't know why he failed to mention that you were going to be coming as well. Let's not ruin their night darling. Come on," he soothed, leading her with enough force to get her to move towards his car without making her feel trapped. He knew exactly how to handle her. He ignored the silent tears running down her face until they got to his car, then he pulled her into a huge and stroked her hair gently, trying to calm her down. It worked after a while, as it always used to work, and then he gave her a little push into the car and they were off.
The car drive was completely silent on the way there. Even though the girl and the boy who broke her weren't even friends anymore, the boy who broke her took a hold of her hand and placed it in his lap, stroking circles into it to keep her calm. She was an emotional wreck again because of him and he knew it. He knew he shouldn't be touching her in anyway, but he didn't like how upset she was. Her cousin and other friend (Drew) just awkwardly sat there the whole ride. When they arrived at the theatre, the girl and cousin ran ahead of the other two. Drew hung back to talk with the boy who broke her.
"You want her?" Drew asked, a slight frown on his face as they followed the others.
"I had my change with her already," the boy shook his head. "I screwed up though. Even if I wanted her I couldn't have her. She won't even acknowledge me most of the time. She's all yours man, just hope you know what you're getting into. She's a big tease." Drew nodded, not saying anything more since they had caught up with the girl and her cousin by then.
They chose to go see a horror movie and the girl sat between Drew and the boy who broke her. It was the boy who broke her that kept their legs touching and his hand interwined with hers through the whole movie, preventing the girl from freaking out.
Drew didn't have a chance if the boy who broke her were to want her back. The boy who broke her still had her heart clutched in his hands, hurting her more than not.

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