Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Stab in the Dark

Yeah that's right. I haven't posted since February 22, but that is about to change because I am bored and have no one to talk to right now. My opinion on the matter is that I need to share my thoughts with some people so I might as well do it on here. Right now I just finished typing up a chapter of my story, A Stab in the Dark. You should check it out RIGHT HERE. It's chapter 18 so if you haven't read any of the other chapters I advice starting at the beginning and working your way up there, but it's good in my opinion, one of my better stories, so you should go and read some of it.
My brother came in while I was typing it up and told me that I write awful stories and that the fact that I was typing them up was worthless because they were so awful. He just kept dissing and dissing me because he wanted the laptop. I understand that he wanted the laptop, because he was kicked off the desktop so my dad could do taxes, but I don't understand why he had to be such a jerk about it. All I seem to get from my family is ridicule. I like to write people! Just let me write what I want to and don't give me crap about it unless you have read it. I know that none of them have read it too, they just have heard me gush on and on about how the story is going to end. I won't say how it ends though in case you want to go read it. I'm almost finished writing the ending of it, there's just a few more chapters to go :D!
Now I must get back to editting, since I have a deadline to meet. NaNoWriMo has made it possible for me to get 5 free copies of my story printed...in a book format! I am really excited for this and can't wait to see it in book format. It makes me really really really really really happy. Like you have no idea how happy I am about it right now....
So peace out hot stuff,
PS/I can't seem to stop saying hot stuff....it's hot stuff this hot stuff that today for some reason....maybe it will be watermelons tomorrow though.....

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