Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Simpsons + The Maury Show

I really hate the show the Simpsons. For some reason my brother left the channel on whatever channel the simpsons is on. It's all about the medicinal marijuana today. I don't understand why people watch this show when it's so dumb and always making fun of people. Maybe I don't understand it because I don't approve but whatever. I don't like it and I just watched a whole episode of it, sort of.
The Simpsons isn't something that I have ever been allowed to actually watch. My parents agree that it is a dumb show so I have never watched it until a few years ago when my siblings started to watch it. My parents used to always change the channel when it would come on, but now they aren't home when its on. I had seen snippets of the show and knew that it was dumb and I didn't like it so I never had a problem with my parents rule. I do however have a problem with my siblings making us watch it.
I also don't understand why people want to watch shows that make other people look bad and shows of their problems. I am specifically talking about The Maury show, because oh my god it is so stupid. People have problems okay? Everyone does. There's no need to put their problems on the show! Anyways I shouldn't criticize what I don't understand. :) adios!

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