Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A School Time Story

This is what happened to me today at school >:\

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to quickly go through the asia countries during lunch time since she didn't go over them the night before. The computer lab had a class in it though so she went to the computer circle in the library. The one computer that was open didn't have a mouse...but that's okay because she really doesn't need a mouse. But it also wouldn't log anyone on so she couldn't practice.
well there was a lovely boy, (who is an attention whore next to her). So he was messing around on the computer that wouldn't log anyone on as well as being on his own computer. The girl didn't feel like leaving because she had a spinny office chair and it was comfy. She also had nothing better to do but watch said boy screw around with the computer that she had wanted to get on. The boy kept turning the computer off and on. The button was on the other side of the computer meaning he had to lean across the girl to get to it.
Then he showed said girl hilarious pictures and sayings and such on his computer while we waited for the computer to become smart enough to log someone on. Then one of his friends came and they all started reading the stuff he had up on his computer.
He decided that he needed to mess around more on the broken computer so he gave his chair to the friend. Then instead of just standing or kneeling in front of the broken computer, he sat on the girls lap.
He completely smooshed her too by leaning completely back. He wouldn't get off said girl. He told her that she had to have a good attitude for ten seconds before he would stop leaning on her. She apparently counted to fast for him, but he did stop leaning on her.
Five minutes later or so, after the girls friend came upstairs to hang out with her, the boy decided it was time for a story. So he did what little kids would do and tried to curl up on the girl's lap. Like he tried to swing his legs up onto the seat so he was sitting fully on the girl's lap with his legs hanging over one side of the chair and leaning against the over side of the chair's arm rest.This however caused him to fall off the chair onto the floor which the girl was thankful for because her legs were going numb.
The girl and girl's friend left shortly afte.

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