Saturday, January 21, 2012

ughhhhhhhh. Day Before Robotics. the day before a robotics competition. So everyone is getting ready for it. And our "sponsor person" (he doesn't really count as a sponsor because he's kind of stupid) well he was being a douche. Then again he is always a douche. I'm not sure how anyone can put up with him. He was being mean to my mum. He didn't think we should be allowed to stay at my grandma's house, even though it was cheaper than staying at a hotel that we didn't need. He was just being a complete douche really, which was making my mum mad and stressed out. The whole going to the competition city a day early was really unnecessary there wasn't a point to it. It was also really unorganized getting down here. We should have had everything figured out before today, considering we were supposed to leave Friday evening, but the weather postponed the competition.
Then when my whole team wasn't around, stupid douchebag started to quiz me on what time everything was at. I hadn't even been told when anything was at and I hadn't been told it was postponed until the end of Friday when everyone else knew that it was postponed on Thursday. So he kept asking me when everything was and I didn't know. He handed me a sheet of paper with all the times (which as soon as he left the room I handed off to someone that wasn't even in robotics) that I should know. He said that I left it on the table after he handed them out, and I said that I didn't EVER get that paper. Then he proceeds to tell me that that's because I am always skipping robotics to hang out with my friends. I have ALWAYS gone to robotics. I don't skip it to hang out with friends, well except on Friday. On Friday it was a completely optional meeting though, because when there is an early out due to weather we can't be expected to go to the meeting. He was being a complete douchebag and he just ruined my day so much. I already have enough problems with not getting super depressed and him being a bully to me isn't helping. Just because I'm the only girl on our team doesn't mean I don't do anything or whatever he thinks! I know he doesn't like me because I'm a girl though. He is very sexist.

That is how my day has gone so far....I am not in a good mood.

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