Sunday, January 22, 2012

Robotics Competition

At our robotics competition today, the team I'm on did pretty good. Better than a lot of us would have expected. Some of us, not me, were up until like 4 in the morning getting the robot to work and then had to wake up at 7 to go to the competition. Some of them might have even woken up earlier than that.
At the competition, I met up with some old friends, made a few new friends, and just enjoyed the day as a whole. My friend, Ashley, and me stole some Kewaneeians and went exploring the museum, since we were allowed to visit everything there. The museum was really fun to explore and had a lot of exhibits for little kids, so we could play with the stuff and not just look. That's what made it awesome. Like there was an ultrasound machine that we could use ^.^ That was interesting. We could put notes onto the ultrasound and those notes were hilarious.
The team I'm on didn't get picked for an alliance and we had a rank of 12 after the qualifying matches were over. The other team from my school got on an alliance but lost the last game. The team I'm on received the Inspire Award though, which automatically sends us on to the state competition. We are pretty happy about that. The other from my school was pissed though. I'm not sure why they were so mad that we got the inspire award and couldn't just accept it. They couldn't though. They were already going to the state competition from the last competition that they went to, but no, they wanted to try and ruin our chances. I heard the judges from this competition were the same for the state competition. I hope the judges remember them when they weren't being gracious professionals. They really hurt my feelings and made me remember that I don't understand humans. They SHOULD HAVE been happy for us. I don't know what their problem is, but being competitive against their own school isn't necessary. It's bad enough that they are bullying their own team.

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