Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 5- Thursday August 2

I'm back from Guatemala and Belize now so I thought I would just put my journal entries up here for yall to read about my trip. Just beware that there is about to be a heck of a lot of posts :} Also I'm legit-ally just copying my journal but adding some pictures, and my journal is written in Spanglish in some parts, so you might not understand it all ^.^ Also some things in this section have been left out because of the need to protect a few people ^.^ Nothing bad happened, just something not exactly great happened...ya know? XD

6 o'clock woke-up....went back to sleep
6:30 next alarm went off
We got up and made sure all our stuff that we wanted packed was packed and then we got ready for the day. I made the poor decision of wearing my lovely gladiators which have gotten all cut up now :c Guess I should ask for new gladiators :D The roads aren't smooth but really rocky. Like an uneven brick road made of rocks.
7:15 Breakfast as usual.
We ate fake bananas (plantains) that were fried or something. I didn't really like it pero yo comi lo anyway. We also had refried beans (oh my god I missed eating them) and those tomato eggs. The eggs were kind of cold :c Yo comi lo anyway as well. I am starting to feel like a pig though. I eat everything put in front of me, and the others are just picking at it. So my plate is empty and theirs isn't. My roommate is the worse. It's so obvious she isn't eating it. She just keeps moving the food around like she has...I really don't like that she is wasting their food. They were nice enough to take up in and she is wasting the food they work hard for.
8 o'clock- Escuela
Hoy nosotros didn't really have clase. We walked up to the Cerro de la Cruz on top of this hill. It wasn't a long walk, maybe thirty minutes or so. We got to see an amazing view of the city Antigua. I couldn't tell where my house was though.We were too far away to be able to tell. It was really pretty. We went down the other side of the hill on the way back down. Some plants growing on the side of the road had these orange flowers with natural sugar in them. They tasted really good. Oh! At the top this kid came up and was walking around so some people gave him candy and the kid ran back to another boy to share. A dog followed him the whole time, running at his ankles like Rue does except without the nipping. The dog was almost as tall as the kid. The kid had the biggest smile ever too. He was so happy and then the other boy got some candy as well. They were adorable.
So the side of the hill we were going down was the normal living, to me it looked like extremely poor. They have shacks made of sod and it just doesn't look normal to me. We passed one guy who had cleft feet, where they grow under instead of straight. Well every day he walks down the steep hill with one crutch. And it is a really steep hill. The boys in our group carried him down the hill. All the way down. All the girls were basically crying because it was so touching to see the man's face glowing so brightly. I'll admit to the tears. It was just so touching of the boys to do such a thing. The man was so grateful. Once we got to the bottom we went to an ice cream place and I got a milk shake fresca. It was too sweet for me to eat all of it, but I realy loved it. It tasted so good! Also, I ate in a church. I'm going to hell. >.< After we got back from our walk, it was basically noon, so we didn't have real class. Did I mention our teachers did come on the walk with us? We had to walk with them for the most part. Got some good pictures with the teacher too so yeah.
1 o'clock Escuela
We had a salada con maybe honey mustard dressing. It had pasta and chicken in it as well. It tasted really good and I ate the whole thing. The other girls barely ate anything again.
2 o'clock
We went to the coffee plantation where we went through a museum of Mayan music and a museum of coffee. I bought post cards y un clay music animal to go with my old music bird. It's muy bonito. I was just buying things to get rid of my quatzales by that time. In the coffee plantation tour we got drenched from teh rain. I mean, it wasn't that bad, but it was a tad bit uncomfortable. At that gift shop I got to try their coffee. I may be pro at eating stuff I don't like, but drinking is a whole other deal. I passed my drink off to someone else. I bought powder chocolate at that gift shop before we left for "home"
7 o'clock
We went and ate supper in the dining room. I don't remember what it was we ate exactly. It was great of course. Much to the complaints of others.
8:45 Discoteca
We went to a discoteca. It was actually a shit ton of fun even though it was SUPER AWKWARD. It was ladies night so we got in free with three coupons for drinks! I didn't want mine, so I gave mine to one of my house mates (whoops bad move). I mean you could get non-alcoholic beverages, but you have to be very clear. The bartenders couldn't exactly hear us. My bff almost ended up with alcohol coke but we caught it so they remade her drink :} The discoteca was just a bar with a puny dance floor/stage. It was really a small bar as well. So my bff's and I awkwardly danced long enough to get in some pictures, then we went and chillaxed at some chairs across from the bar the rest of the night. There was this one guy that was into my bff and kept talking to us. He was getting progressively drunker throughout the night. It was so funny and a little bit creepy. Then my bff found a really cute guy and was eyeing him up (him eyeing her back) the whole night! It was a lot of fun sitting there "gossiping" with my bff. We were mostly rating the guys that we saw.
11:30 Homeward!
We didn't get home until 11:30, which we had said we would get home at like 11....but whatever. So the discoteca was tiring, yet so worth it :} We went to sleep shortly after we got home.

OH AND MAFIA IN THE GHETTO. That's all I will say about that for now ^.^

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