Monday, September 30, 2013

Importance of Night Walks

Nighttime is very peaceful. Very few people are out and about making it sometimes seem like you're the only person left in the world. This feeling of solitary helps me make it through the next day. I need my few minutes of peaceful, solitary. It has become especially important to me since I came to college. I no longer have a safe place where I know I can go when I need a break from people. So my nighttime walks are my few moments of being alone. Even when there are people walking with me, the nighttime folds around me, wrapping me in their comforting darkness and warmth, keeping me safe. Its like I'm getting my own mini-hug when I need one the most and can't get one from anyone else.

I also know that no matter what happens in my day, nighttime will never fail to be there. I don't have to worry about it. Nighttime is the only for sure thing in my life. I can't count on most other things so being able to count on nighttime is wonderful. Being able to count on anything is a pleasant experience. Not having to always depend on myself to get something done for a change is blissful. 

Sometimes I'm scared of walking around at nighttime. It has to do with my trust and overactive imagination issues of course. I'm always worried that someone is going to jump me. I always have the worse possible scenarios of things going through my mind. That doesn't stop me from my night walks though because even though I'm scared of them, I still need them. I need my mini-hugs and comforting silence. I need my dependable and peaceful darkness. I don't know how I would live without my night walks. 

I tried it for a few days last week. Right after I started going on my nighttime walks again I stopped being so depressed. My mini-mental breakdowns stopped happening and I avoided completely breaking down. I don't know why I decided to suddenly stop going on these walks, but I did and it did not end well. As you can tell from previous posts of mine I did not have a good week last week. I'm just glad that I have a way to forestall my mental breakdowns now. 


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