Monday, March 25, 2013

Human Trafficking Presentation

Today I went to a presentation given about human trafficking. It was terrible and I don't mean that everything I learned was just so horrible that I couldn't even imagine it happening. I mean that the presentation was given by someone who did not have the whole public speaking gig down. She could have been outshone by any high school, maybe even middle school, students. First of all she had SHEETS of paper, not note cards, but sheets of paper with the whole presentation written out word for word. Secondly she had this power point that had exactly word for word what she was reading off of her sheets of paper. I mean I was reading it before she was even done speaking it. She should have stuck with 7 words per line and 7 lines per slide if she wanted a power point. I liked the pictures that she had for her power point, except she did not describe what we were seeing. They were just pictures and she did not have nearly enough pictures. Then she was very lacking in statistics to back her up. How do I know if human trafficking is an issue if she wasn't giving us statistics? The only statistic that she gave us was that human trafficking is a $32 billion industry.
Also she did not make the presentation relevant to teenagers. Mostly she just was talking about how truckers needed to do something about the problem. We aren't truckers!
The next thing that really got to me was how sexist she was. First of all she never talked much about the guys that go into human trafficking, but instead focused on the girls. Everyone knows that girls are part of human trafficking, not everyone knows about guys. It would have been a good idea to pull guys more into the issue. She was putting down guys so much, going off stereotypes that are not even one of the main stereotypes of this day and age. She said that all guys are drunks and gamblers and that women are the ones that have to bring in the dough in order to raise their children. I was so pissed at her, because while women are very successful now with jobs, men still have jobs! I hate sexist people -.- Men have just as many rights as women, there is no need for women to suddenly think that they are better than men! WE ARE EQUALS. And I'm not even sure what this sexist comment had to do with human trafficking.
All in all I was very disappointed with this presentation that I had been looking forward to hearing. I know that human trafficking is a problem, but I was not convinced by this lady of this. This was the first time I was told how big a problem human trafficking was, but is that true? There weren't any statistics to prove her points.
She was talking about how all of us should start buying Fair Trade Certified things once a month, but hey if no one else is doing it there is no point to it. Industries obviously are not noticing that we aren't buying from them anymore because so few people are doing that. I believe that human trafficking could be made into a hot topic, but there needs to be more done in order for this to happen. More people need to become involved. Nothing is going to change with the way they are fighting it right now. I mean the truckers might start helping out, but that doesn't stop human trafficking from happening. The fight against human trafficking should try out being like the women when they are fighting for suffrage. They let everyone know about the cause and that is what needs to happen.

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